Chapter 73

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Tw: Feeding tube, questioning of homophobia, mention of neglective/abusive parents, suicide ideation and suicide attempt, depressive episode, ED mention, self harm mention

"Holy shit Tech really?" Wilbur asked as he tried not to get too distracted from the road. Techno nodded, smiling softly. "That's great man, I'm glad you found out who you are!" Wilbur smiled.

"Thanks, it took a while to truly figure it out, but when I talked with Phil about how Liam would have gotten married, it made me realize that I didn't want to get married, or have a relationship with anyone in any sort of sense." Techno explained and Wilbur nodded.

"That's fair enough man, as long as you're happy that's fine." Wilbur said and Techno hummed softly, "So that's what you told dad?"

"Yeah, I don't know how he feels about it though." Techno said softly and Wilbur chuckled lightly.

"Tech, he's been perfectly fine with me being bi, our friends being gay, pan, genderfluid, nonbinary, really anything. Why would he be upset with you being aro ace?" Wilbur questioned, but Techno just shrugged lightly for a moment.

"Because I don't and won't give him grandkids or anything like I'm supposed to." Techno mumbled and Wilbur paused for a moment, turning into a parking lot. Techno looked over at him but didn't say anything as Wilbur parked the car, turning to face him.

"Technoblade Watson I can assure you that Phil does not care about that. He cares about your happiness, your safety and your well being. He will not care if he doesn't get grandkids or not, he cares that you are you and you are okay. And if he fucking says anything I will break his hands myself." Wilbur said, the last part coming out in a darker tone then Techno imagined.

"Okay." Techno mumbled softly, not meeting Wilbur's eyes. "I'm sorry, and I'm sorry about everything that's happened this past bit."

"There's no need to apologize Tech." Wilbur told him as he turned to face forward. Techno shook his head.

"I hurt you, and I blamed you, and I called you a liar and I told you that you ruined my life. None of that was true, you and Tommy didn't do anything. You tried you help me and tried to help me figure out something important in my life, and I shoved you guys away to be in my own world of sadness." Techno ranted, and Wilbur glanced over at him.

"Why were you so depressed about it all? I know it's not what you expected and I know it's life changing, but Jesus man you were so bad. You got a fucking feeding tube because of it." Wilbur said and Techno bit his lip, running his fingers over the tube that was sticking out of his nose and tapped along the side of his face.

"I don't know. Part of it was the fact that I was just hurt by it all. I was hurt that the one person who was supposed to protect me in life ended up hurting me. And instead of processing that or accepting that, I shut down. And I hurt the ones around me, when I shouldn't have." Techno admitted. Wilbur sat there, thinking for a moment.

"Was there something we could have done for you? To make things better?" Wilbur questioned. Techno did the same thing and sat there for a moment thinking.

"Probably not, I don't know. I don't think I wanted to hear anything from anyone, and I just didn't know what to do." Techno continued. Wilbur glanced at him again.

"Do you wanna talk about why you freaked out earlier? Why you ripped out your tube?" Wilbur wondered. Techno inhaled sharply but nodded anyway.

"I was in my room, and Eret was there. They were talking to me but I wasn't entirely listening y'know? But I felt like I should so when I did try to listen I heard Tommy crying from upstairs. And when I did I realized that he was talking about me." Techno started.

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