Chapter 70

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Tw for this chapter: Past suicide attempt, past overdose attempt, past abuse, past violence and past fighting, mention of feeding tube

"Boys! Come inside!" Mrs. Williams called. Tommy and Liam were kicking a soccer ball around back and forth. They didn't look up as they continued to play together.

"5 more minutes please!" Tommy called and Mrs. Williams sighed slightly.

"Okay but only 5! Your dinner will get cold!" Mrs. Williams called and Liam looked over at her.

"Dinner? What's for dinner?" Liam asked and Mrs. Williams laughed, Liam could always be bribed with food.

"I made grilled cheese, and there's apple slices." Mrs. Williams informed them and both Tommy and Liam shared a look before leaving the ball and running towards her. Mrs. Williams laughed and stopped them before they got into the house. "You are both covered in mud!" She said with a smile.

"The ball kept going over the fence so we had to get it and we fell a couple of times." Liam explained and Mrs. Williams just laughed again. She pulled out her phone.

"Hold still, I'll get a photo of you two real quick." She said. Liam grabbed onto Tommy and pulled him closer, throwing his arm around him. Tommy and Liam had wide smiles on their faces.

"Can we go eat now?" Tommy asked and Mrs. William gave him a look.

"You both know you have to take off your shoes and wash your hands. After dinner you'll both have a bath too." She told them and Tommy rolled his eyes.

"We're just gonna get dirty again!" Tommy tried to argue with her as any ten year old would.

"Yeah! And the bath will just turn into a mud bath." Liam added on and Mrs. Williams laughed again.

"A mud bath is still better than no bath. So shoes off and wash your hands please." Mrs. William asked, and even though they didn't agree, both boys did it anyway.

Liam did smear mud over Tommy's nose before they washed their hands.


"Tommy, I'm so tired." Liam said softly as they kept walking. Tommy turned to look at him.

"I am too, but we have to keep going." Tommy said as he continued forward.

"Where are we going?" Liam asked and Tommy shrugged. "Then can we stop somewhere please?" Liam asked and Tommy sighed.

"Liam, we gotta call MD and Puffy." Tommy reminded him but Liam shook his head and stopped where he was standing. He looked around and saw playground equipment nearby.

"Let's go there." Liam said and he started walking towards it. Tommy followed him until they were sitting underneath it. "Tommy, I'm so tired." Liam complained.

"Me too." Tommy agreed and Liam looked up at him.

"You know how when old people get really tired they take a nap and go to heaven?" Liam asked and Tommy stared at him as he nodded. "We could take a nap and go to heaven!" Liam suggested and Tommy looked at him.

"How will we do that? We're not old." Tommy asked, confused. Liam pulled off his backpack and opened it up. He pulled out a pill bottle.

"We take these and we take a nap and wake up in heaven! I saw one of my older foster mommas do that!" Liam said as he struggled to open the bottle. Tommy looked at him as he opened it and held it out to Tommy.

"Liam, I don't wanna go to heaven alone. It seems scary." Tommy frowned but Liam shook his head.

"I'll go with you Tommy! We can live together in heaven! And our mommas are probably there! Maybe our daddies too." Liam smiled and Tommy nodded, that sounded nice.

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