Chapter 38

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tw for this chapter: Mention of Ed, suicide, death, abuse

Tubbo and Ranboo soon left and it was just the four of them left. They got into Christmas pjs, a tradition in the family. Then they put on a movie, Elf more specifically, and they sat in the soft silence that was there other than the movie.

Tommy was cuddling with Storm, the cat laying with her new cat toy that Tubbo had gotten as part of her gift. His blanket from Tubbo thrown over himself.

Techno and Wilbur were sitting together, Wilbur leaning against Techno which was nice. When you aren't mad at someone these soft moments are enjoyable.

Phil was on the other couch, wrapped up in his own blanket Tubbo had made for him. It had crows on one side, green on the other.

About halfway through the movie Phil realized Tommy was passed out, which wasn't too odd since it seemed the boy was awake in his room at 4am, cleaning. Why he was cleaning at 4am Phil didn't know.

"I think Tommy's passed out." Phil comments softly, and both Techno and Wilbur leaned over to see that he was.

"I told him the other night we would sleep in my room tonight, so we can wake up together." Techno said and he let his face drop. "I don't know if he remembers that though."

"Well you guys can still do that, he wouldn't mind." Wilbur says and Techno frowned at him.

"You're joining us aren't you?" Techno questioned and Wilbur looked away.

"The other day." Wilbur mumbles and he leaves it at that.

"The other day doesn't matter, we apologized, we're going to talk it out after the holidays and we'll be fine. We're always gonna be fine." Techno scoffed and Wilbur gave a small smile.

"Okay. Why don't you go put Tommy to bed then?" Wilbur asked and Techno nodded, letting Wilbur sit up before he stood up. He went over and scooped up Tommy, his blanket included and brought him to Techno's room.

"I really hope tomorrow goes well." Phil spoke softly and Wilbur looked over at him, confused for a moment before he realized what Phil was trying to say.

"You're still offering him the papers then?" Wilbur asks and Phil nodded. "Are you sure? When I asked him he said he didn't know."

"I feel like deep down Tommy was still there in some sense, and some part of him wanted to." Phil explains and Wilbur frowns.

"Months ago you said that you thought it was too soon, that it took us years to get to a place where you felt like you could offer adoption to us. What's different about Tommy? It's only been three, almost four months." Wilbur points out and Phil takes a deep breath.

"Tommy is different. I know he needs us, like truly needs us. But I think part of him is afraid to need us because he thinks we might leave him. Adoption means we won't leave him." Phil explains and Wilbur drops his frown, just nodding.

"Okay. Will you be okay if he says no?" Wilbur questioned, and Phil nodded, but he wasn't sure if he believed that fully.

"Okay, he's out like a light. I'm going to make some tea, anyone want some?" Techno offered and Wilbur nodded, but Phil shook his head.

"I'm going to bed soon. You guys better too or Santa won't visit." Phil teases, going to stand up. Both Wilbur and Techno rolled their eyes.

"Dad, don't you think we're a bit too old for Santa?" Techno questioned but Phil scoffed.

"I guess you're too old for presents too." Phil said jokingly.

"Woah okay, I don't agree with Techno here." Wilbur said causing Phil to laugh. Techno rolled his eyes again but he was smiling.

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