Chapter 61

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Tw for this chapter: Past pet death, meltdown, break down, violence due to breakdown, screaming, self harm mention due to breakdown

The few days after I storm died were hard. Each of the boys felt more depressed, like they had lost a family member who they had known for years. Sure they had only known Storm for a few months but Storm provided so much love and comfort, it was unmatched.

When Phil gave each of them a pendent they were attached to it at once.

Techno and Tommy both wore them on necklaces, Tommy's chain being a red cloth chain and Techno's being black cloth chain. Both of them hated the feel of metal around their necks.

Wilbur put his on his lanyard that held his keys. Phil putting it on his keychain.

Since Tommy and Techno had them on necklaces they both wore them 24/7, only not wearing it when bathing. Other than that it was able to been seen on them all the time.

They both began to have the same anxious habit with the necklace. They would take the pendant between their fingers and just rub at it, the front being smooth resin while the back was a nice and even metal feeling.

Phil noticed this for both of them but didn't say anything. It wasn't hurting anyone so there was no reason to.


"I don't need some fucking IEP for college." Techno snapped at the advisor.

"Well since you were recently diagnosed with ASD we are required to have a discussion with you about having an IEP" She tried to reason but Techno shook his head.

"No but I'm telling you, I don't want that. I don't need it so I don't want it. I have been doing just fine in my classes." Techno says folding his arms.

"Yes but since you were diagnosed with ASD we have to do this." She said to him and he rolled his eyes.

"No because I've had autism this whole time and I've been fine. This diagnosis wasn't so you could make changes in my schooling, this had nothing to do with the school. I only had to share it with the school because it's legally required." Techno hissed and she sighed.

"I am just trying to help you Technoblade." She tells him and he shakes his head.

"No I'm done, I'm done with this. I'm not making any changes thank you very much." Techno said, standing up and grabbing his bag. He left the office and slammed the door behind him.

He didn't even want to tell the school in the first place, this was so stupid. Why don't people listen to what he has to say? He's a 21 with autism not some 3 year old with a head injury.

Techno walks out to his car, frustrated that it even came to this. He hops into the car and closes the door. He turned it on and sat for a moment, waiting for it to heat up.

His first day back at college after taking a couple days off and this is how it goes. The day was already ruff to start with when he spilled coffee on his sleeve and had to change his clothes halfway through his history class since he hated the feeling of wet clothes.

Then he forgot his food at home, and when he tried to go get cafeteria food he realized it was soup, which is one of his not-safe foods. So he was hungry.

Then he had an awful meeting with his advisor. He's only met with her once his freshman year, and yet she was acting like she knew him. She didn't and Techno certainly didn't know her. He didn't even know her name.

And now here he was waiting for his car to heat up so he could go home and cry. That's all he wanted to do all day, is just break down and cry.

When the car was warm enough he began to drive home. He made it all the way without crying, which was nice. He went inside the house and looked around as he entered.

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