Chapter 51

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Tw for this chapter: Death, suicide, suicide note, abuse, nightmare, derealization in detail

Phil never fell asleep. Ranboo eventually fell asleep leaning against Tubbo.

Phil stood up from the couch he was on. He looked at each of the kids and noticed that there was not a lot of blankets. So he went to the closet in the hall and got an arm full.

First he draped blankets on Eret and Niki, since they had none. He then put some over Tubbo, Tommy and Ranboo since there was only one thin blanket between the three of them. He then put another one on top of Wilbur and Techno, while they had a weighted blanket another one couldn't hurt.

Then he began collecting plates. He took a mental note of those who had eaten some versa those who didn't eat a lot. He would prepare some things for midnight snacks in case people woke up at some point and were hungry.

He also grabbed a container and filled it with water, going around carefully and filling up cups in the living room. He was going to make sure these kids stayed hydrated.

He then settled into the kitchen, looking for what could be a good snack. He decided apple slices with peanut butter could be a good way for people to get some protein in them. If he couldn't make people feel better over night he could at least make sure they were taking care of themselves.

He settled at the counter with a cutting board and a handful of apples, beginning to chop them into pieces. It was nice, just to be doing something.

That's when his phone rang. He looked to the clock on the wall and saw it was 10:39pm, so who was calling him? He reached into his pocket and grabbed his phone. Pulling it out he saw it was Fundy, so he was quick to answer.

"Hello?" Phil asked and he heard a sniff.

"Hey Phil." Fundy greeted, and his voice made it obvious that he had been crying.

"How have you been holding up bud?" Phil asked as he continued to cut the apples.

"Not too good, but I'm alive and I don't plan on dying." Fundy admits and Phil hums softly.

"That's good, I'm glad that's not in your plan." Phil smiles and he hears Fundy give a soft chuckle.

"No I can't leave Yogurt right now, she's pretty distraught." Fundy admits and Phil nodded, finding someone dead was one thing, but when they were basically your older brother that was another.

"Is there anything we can do for you guys?" Phil questioned and there was a pause.

"No but Phil I want to be honest with you. Schlatt left a note." Fundy said like he was trying to rush it out. Like if he didn't say it fast enough the words would burn him.

"Oh." Phil said softly, putting the knife down. He assumed Fundy was saying this to Phil because it involved the others.

"Yeah and I wanted to tell you that because he talks to Tommy in it. And he mentions you and Techno and Wilbur. Well not mentions you but talks to you for a few lines. But Tommy got nearly half a page." Fundy admits and Phil's breath hitched.

"Can you send me a photo of it? Am I allowed to see it?" Phil asked carefully, staring down at the phone.

"Yeah of course you are, that's why I was calling you so I didn't just send it to you randomly." Fundy admits. Phil nodded again, he appreciated it. "But he also left something for Tommy."

"What did he leave?" Phil questioned softly, what could have Schlatt left for him?

"I don't know. It's in a box with Tommy's name on it though, and the note says to give it to him." Fundy explains and Phil nodded, trying to think what could be in the box.

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