Chapter 54

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54: Tw for this chapter: Descriptions of bruises, mention of police violence, dissociation, panic attack, mention of self harm and abuse (These seem longer but I'm trying to make y'all aware of how much of it is mentioned if that makes sense?) 

Wilbur didn't realize how long they were driving for until they pulled into a parking garage. Puffy parked the car and looked at the other three.

Tommy was more calm down in the moment, and it's totally possible that he's dissociating right now.

Techno was no longer crying but his hands were still shaking and he was biting his lip. Wilbur was just looking at his brothers as they tried to calm down.

"Okay, how are we?" Puffy asks. Wilbur just shrugs, not trusting himself to speak. Getting hit in the chest hurt, and even breathing was painful. He really hoped nothing was broken.

"Techno isn't going to talk." Tommy advises and Puffy looks over at Techno with a soft glance. Techno didn't look at her.

"Alright, we're going to my office now. Tommy can you help make sure Techno gets inside alright? I want to help make sure Wilbur gets inside well enough. I'm then going to have Foolish take a look at him." Puffy explains and Tommy nods. Puffy grabs a lanyard that was hanging around the review mirror and stuffs it in her pocket.

Tommy and Techno pile out of the car and as does Puffy. Wilbur reaches to unbuckle but his chest screams. Puffy sees the pained look on his face and hits his arm softly.

"You're in pain, let me reach for it. Then hop out slowly and you can lean on me for support" Puffy instructs and Wilbur knew not to argue when she was helping them out the best she could.

Puffy unbuckles Wilbur and Wilbur got out slowly. He did end up leaning on Puffy a bit, though he was a little over 6 inches taller than her.

Tommy leads the way out of the parking garage and to a building next to it, he seemed to know the way a bit too well. He continues through the building till he turns to look at Puffy.

"Can I have your key card please?" Tommy asks and she nods, leaning Wilbur against the wall long enough to grab the lanyard that was hanging out of her pocket. She hands it to Tommy and he nods, swiping the card on the end of it against a pad on the door.

It opens up and Tommy continues to lead the way, swiping the card twice more before they get into a decent sized office with a couch, a small table with four chairs, a bookshelf and a mini fridge. There was also a desk with a smaller shelf next to it. A few bean bags around the room could be seen.

"Tommy help me lower him on the couch I don't want him moving his chest or shoulders as much as possible." Puffy instructs and Tommy nods, grabbing Wilbur's side and helping Puffy bring him to the couch and lowering him down slowly.

Wilbur felt like he was dying as he was being lowered down and he tried not to scream out in pain.

"I know, I know it hurts. Police mallets are no joke." Puffy says softly. She grabs a pillow from nearby and slides it under Wilbur's head softly. She kneeled beside the couch, and it reminded Techno of how Ranboo was in front of the couch earlier.

Oh god Ranboo.

"Wow you're going soft aren't you Puffy?" Tommy jokes and Puffy rolls her eyes, albeit smiling softly.

"Go get Foolish, he should be in his office." Puffy tells him and he nods, leaving the room. Puffy looks up at Techno, who was still standing in the doorway. "Techno, would you like to sit down or are you more comfortable standing?" Puffy asks softly.

Techno didn't respond. He just continued to stand there, looking down at the ground. Puffy nodded softly, understanding what it's like for these kids.

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