Chapter 72

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Tw for this chapter: Hospital, talk of feeding tube, talk of medicine and depression, handcuffs, dissociation episode

Wilbur arrived back at the house a little while later, and when he did Niki and Eret were sitting on the couch. Tommy, Tubbo and Ranboo were on the floor, Tommy staring off into the distance while Tubbo was leaning his head into Ranboo's lap.

Wilbur was confused, the tv was off, they weren't talking and it wasn't looking like they were getting ready for the movie night. He put the bag of chips and candy he got down on the floor near the door, taking off his shoes.

"Hey guys, what's going on?" Wilbur asked, confused. Niki looked over at him, frowning softly. "Okay, what's wrong. You don't give me that look unless something is wrong." Wilbur said as he crossed his arms.

"Wilbur, come sit down." Niki said and Wilbur glared at them. "I'm not saying shit till you sit your ass down." She threatened and Wilbur sighed, taking the seat on the couch between her and Eret. Eret scooted over, and wrapped his arm around Wilbur's shoulder.

"Hi Eret?" Wilbur said, but it also came out like a question. Eret smiled at him. "Can I help you? Not that I'm complaining but you're not one for lots of physical affection."

"Just making sure of something." She said simply and Wilbur just stared at her. He then changed his look to the three on the floor.

"What's going on? I can tell something's wrong, Tommy's been crying." Wilbur said, noting the tear tracks dried on Tommy's face. Niki sighed.

"Techno was just rushed to the hospital, he tore his feeding tube out of his nose." Niki rushed out and Wilbur went to stand up, but Eret kept him sitting down on the couch.

"Let me go, I'm going, let me go." Wilbur said as he fought against Eret's arm, but they were too strong and they refused to let him go.

"No, Phil said we should all stay here, so we're staying here." Eret said and Wilbur didn't really listen, but still tried to fight off their arm. "Hey Niki, pass me what we talked about." Eret said and within a blink of an eye, Wilbur was handcuffed to Eret. His left arm was stuck to Eret's right.

"You fucking handcuffed me? Where the fuck did you get handcuffs!" Wilbur shouted. Eret shrugged but vaguely pointed to Ranboo. Wilbur stopped struggling out of disbelief and stared at Ranboo. "Where the fuck did you get handcuffs?"

"Wilbur, I was in the foster system for years, not to mention almost been arrested like 5 times, that's all you need to know." Ranboo said as he ran his fingers through Tubbo's hair softly. Wilbur stared at him before looking down at the handcuffs.

"Okay, I won't run off, unhandcuff me." Wilbur said and Eret shook their head.

"Nope. You're stuck." Eret said simply and Wilbur stared at them. Eret smiled and Wilbur huffed.

"What if I told you that maybe I like stuff like this?" Wilbur taunted and Eret sighed. Niki stifled a laugh and even Ranboo paused his hand for a moment as he contained his laugh.

"Then I'd tell you that you need to keep that to yourself and I can leave you handcuffed to the porch if you're going to be weird about it. Now would you rather stay handcuffed to me inside or outside where it's currently raining?" Eret threatened and Wilbur turned his head away, pouting.

"I'll stay inside." Wilbur grumbled and Eret smiled.

"That's what I thought. Now do we want to watch a movie?" Eret asked. There's a low mummer of agreement but Wilbur looks over to Tommy. Tommy had not moved, not even acknowledged that Wilbur was here the entire time. Wilbur tries to slide down to the floor but Eret pulls his arm back.

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