long overdue

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I had been walking for hours now. My legs hurt but I didn't have time to be lazy. I dragged my way across the forest. I didn't have anywhere to go now, I didn't even have food or and of my valuables. Perhaps I was meant to die alone? No I shouldn't think that way. I might not make it alive if I curse myself.

I was out of breath. I had never been good with running before, even when I was back in school I had a struggle with stuff like this. I was made fun of occasionally but we just laughed it off. I wonder how that place is doing now..

My legs finally gave up and I fell down. I dragged my way to a tree and took an old watch out of my bag. I had been walking for...14 hours and 26 minutes by now... I was out of breath and I couldn't even move a muscle;;; I was frustrated of course! I planned to finish this trip by 16 hours and 30 minutes at max!! At this point I knew I had to be faster or else I was gonna get eaten alive by something.

I was looking for a new place to say, at least for a night or two but I couldn't get up. No matter how much a tried I couldn't move. I shouldn't have overworked myself that much... the commission and the fall of my hometown all together... this week had been the worst. Well at least I was still breathing am I right? Haha..ha..

At this point I'd thank a monster if it ate me right this moment.

As I said that I saw a shadow at the corner of my eye.


"WhAT THE-" I screamed as I saw a giant cake monster coming towards me. I quickly reached my bag and took out my weapon which was... broken.. I didn't have any other choice but to try to run yet I couldn't walk. The monster started moving closer and a prepared myself for the hit.



It never came..?

I opened my eyes too look at why or what stopped the monster. A cookie..? An unknown cookie had saved me from the hit. I looked up only to see long blond hair that shined with the sun and flew with the wind.

I wasn't dead. was I..?

The cookie had defeated the cake monster and looked back at me. "Are you doing good? Your not hurt are you?" They hurried over and Let out their hand. I hesitated but still took their hand. " May I ask your name?" I asked. They smiled at me and started talking again.

"I'm Madeline. The commander of the knights order. Although I haven't seen you around before. May I also ask your name?"

I smiled. "I'm Y/n, thank you again for helping me" I got up and kept talking .

"It's pretty common for you to not know me. In fact I didn't even know that there were cookies who lived in this place until now, not to mention I'm not even from anywhere close to here." He gave me a bright confident smile. I could already point out his whole personality and interests by that. He was surely easy to read,,,

"Actually your not wrong! There weren't any cookies who lived here until just a few months ago! We just built this kingdom by using blood sweat and tears!" Gosh was he loud;; although I didn't mind a tiny bit of accompany after going through... all that.

"A month ago? How come I never heard of it?"

"Yeah! You said you weren't from around here, where are you from exactly?" He was still smiling brightly. He reminded me of a certain someone. Which might be dead at the moment-

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