new arrival

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I put my hand on the white lilies again. Just like the usual, The vines turned to golden dust. I didn't take too long after that for me to hear someone freaking out behind me again.

"HOW DID SHE DO THAT-???" To my surprise it was Espresso this time.

"Espresso you dumb idiot. It's because of magic! She's one of the ancients after all! She's always got a trick up her sleeve!" Madeline crossed his arms with a confident smile. I had nothing to hide so it didn't bother me.



"Shes a what."

Madelines confident smile had shifted into a nervous one. I guess he didn't tell them from the start,,

"AhahhHa guess I forgot to tell you all my apologies-" Latte smacked him in the head while Espresso Stood there like a tree in shock.

Soon after Espresso took me by the arms and started shaking me "Y/n?? Really??? REALLY?? SO YOU KNOW HOLLYBERRY COOKIE??" What was up with all of these cookies and shaking..?

"Espresso can you- NOT SHAKE ME FOR A SECOND-"

"Oh. My bad." He apologized and dropped me again and I sighed continuing to explain.

"I do know Holyberry, she was a great friend of mine. If I ever see her again, I'll let you guys meet her if you admire her that much." Espresso looked excited but he had tried his best to hide it. I wonder why he liked Hollyberry that much..? I wouldn't blame him though. She was definitely a cookie which was worth fangirling over.

As I was talking we all entered the building to see a familiar mess of a workplace and a giant mirror that was now...broken..?


I had been sitting in the academy's garden with a fluffy haired blond kid for hours now.

We were eating ice cream as he explained me all about the different constellations in the dark sky. Truly it was mesmerizing how even stars, literal burning rocks had.. their own friend group.? That was how he had explained it to say the least.

He pointed at a really bright star and started speaking again. "See! That's the North Star!" I quickly lifted my head to spot a bright star blinking at me.

"The North Star.. is there a meaning behind that one..? I heard that some constellations and stars had myths surrounding them."

"Perhaps it does! Maybe we can look it up later when we're done with the cookie project! Also while we're on that topic you see I..uhm. Kindly Borrowed a book from the library which might make this easier for us!"

His blurred out face showed a tint of excitement. He really wanted to do this huh?At first I had thought that he and White Lily were joking when they talked about this.. "completely legal" project but it seemed that I was clearly wrong,,

"..." we both sat in awkward silence.

"So you stole a book from the library's restricted section-?"


"Of course not! Haha! Who said it was in the restricted section anyways?". He chuckled awkwardly as I stared at him in disappointment. He definitely had stolen it.

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