a heart filled with memories

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We all threw ourself to the ground and relaxed."Come on y/n! Show me your leg so I can heal it!" Herb seemed very enthusiastic about that for some reason, either way. Good for him.

I sat next to him as he started to heal the scratches/ wounds on my body. It had been quite a while since I got healed. It felt extremely..weird. After a few minutes of talking all together, we decided to light a fire since it was clearly getting darker  as we spoke. Madeline and I decided to hunt for food before it was completely dark outside.

"Y/n. Can I ask you a question?" He said as we were far off into the woods. "Hm?" I looked over. He seemed sort of bothered. Not happy, not sad, not angry.. just bothered.

"Have you found anything? Or remembered it? If you do not mind me asking."


Madeline's POV;

"Y/n. Can I ask you a question?"
It felt awkward but I just needed to ask. They had been silent for a long time. Perhaps they got a new memory? The whole situation about their kingdom going down was horrible news. I couldn't imagine how terrifying it would have been for them. 

They had a melancholic smile on their face. "Hm?" They turned to me as I got to study their face more clearly. Their eyes had faint eye bags and they looked really pale.

"Have you found anything? Or remembered? If you do not mind me asking."

I could see the sadness and guilt in their eyes as they smiled softly and looked away. I shouldn't have asked that.. the moment I opened my mouth again to say sorry, it felt like she was one step ahead of me.

"No I don't mind. And you have nothing to say sorry for. I haven't found anything.. although I do remember a few parts of "his" face... I just can't put it all together. It always feels like something is off for some reason. If it is one thing I remember, I remember their hair. It was blond and pretty short . Not an excessively vibrant one, but a pale one. It was sort of... soft? "He" and I seemed to be close. Yet I cannot feel a single piece of guilt or empathy for "him". Something always somehow feels..off. Like! My heart feels empty. Even when I see a random stranger I think of things. I feel things yet.. when it's "him" ...

..." She fell silent and stopped walking. "Y/N..? Is something up?" I came closer and she slowly brought her arms up to her face, rubbing her eyes.

She was crying?

Ofc I was horrible with comforting people.

Let alone comforting a person who is waaay higher than my rank.

I walked closer to her and sighed as I went over to hug her. "Let it all out if you need. You see, me Espresso, Latte and Herb will always be here for you! Along with everyone else in the kingdom. If you ever need to talk to anyone again, we will be more than happy to help!" Oh shit I sounded too formal I hope it didn't sound too much like an order-

[Y/N's Pov]

Madeline wrapped his arms around me as I couldn't hold in the tears. Why did I feel sad? Why was I crying? Who was "he"? Why did I even survive? Who am I without my kingdom? Too many questions with no one alive to answer,,

"Let it all out if you need. You see, me Espresso Latte and Herb will always be here for you! Along with everyone else in the kingdom. If you ever need to talk to anyone again, we will be more than happy to help!" Madeline said in a very..  formal manner. As if he was commanding a bunch of knights. I know he is a "commander of the knights" but I must have put him in an awkward situation.

I chuckled and broke the hug to fix my face. "Come on, let's get moving! We can't hunt when it's dark can we?" I smiled as he seemed confused on how fast I did that.

He started laughing and put his arm on my shoulder. "Tell me if you find anything, ok? I nodded as we started hunting again.


[Latte's POV]

I was chatting with Herb as Madeline and Y/N came in waving to us with a big smile. Madeline took part in making us food as Y/n said she just wanted to sleep for a while. Of course I didn't disagree, she must have been tired.

After Madeline brought the food, he and Espresso got in another kid fight while me and Herb were chatting. I didn't stop them, both sides were dumb enough so a small lecture couldn't help them again.

In the end we all went to bed with no clue what to do or where to go. Let's see where life takes us!

[Y/N's POV]


Everything felt bright. In fact, too bright. Was I dead? No-no I probably wasn't... I hope..? I was wearing my old school uniform. That was bizarre. It felt completely nostalgic, how long had it been since I wore these? I started walking around. Everything was white, there seemed to be no end to this.. white void..?

I kept walking and walking. I didn't feel tired at all. I walked until I reached to entrance to... my school? In-front of me stood a single white lily. It had beautiful petals that lit up the darkness like a lantern. I reached down to look at it  more clearly and it.. moved away? Well it didn't just develop legs and run away. It just sort of.. teleported a few meters away.

Was it telling me to follow it? Was it telling me something to remember..? Had I gone crazy? I didn't know what the flower was doing but my body moved on its own and I started following it into the dark building.

There she was.

"White lily..? Your alive...?" I couldn't believe my eyes. I ran and tried to hug her but as soon as I got there.. she felt transparent. I immediately fell down yet she was still standing. She turned back and smiled. It seemed that she was somehow see-through.

She was there in soul but not in body.

She crouched down, leaning towards me and put a white lily in my hair. I wanted to speak, to tell her something but I couldn't move. I felt tears fall down as she gave me a faint smile.

Soon after that. I woke up.

I made my way out of the tent to get some fresh air. My eyes felt sore, had I also been crying in real life..? Was that all just a dream..?  If there was one thing I knew, it was that I had to visit the academy once again. Perhaps that's where the truth to my heart lies ahead..


Stan White Lily and I also apologize for the lack of Pure Vanilla in these chapters BUT HOLD UP IM GETTING THERE NO WORRIES [proud] enjoy my bad writing skills <3

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