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My head hurt as I heard the alarm clock ringing right next to me. I got up to a familiar cold. Perhaps it was just the usual morning cold but it felt different. Shaking off the feeling, I immediately got ready and left a thank you note for Latte. I locked the door behind me and made my way to the kingdoms gates.

"Hey Y/N!" I heard a familiar voice call out my name. "Madeline?" I turned around to see Madeline running to catch up to me.

"Have you decided which path your gonna take?"

I chuckled and sighed. "No. I haven't.. I don't know that to do. But if I don't do anything I won't be able to sleep tonight knowing that I missed a chance. I have to leave now, it was nice knowing you." I tried to leave as he took my arm.

"WOA- wait, look y/n I know we don't know each other well but would you let me accompany you with my team on your adventures? This might seem sudden, I know but if I suddenly got news about your passing... I don't think I would be well. Not to mention it's really dangerous out there. Your adventures may lead to obstacles you might not be able to overcome on your own. Please..?" He looked at me with puppy dog eyes. That was a seriously long proposal yet I was unsure about such a rash decision.

"Madeline, I'm sorry but I don't think I ca-" I was cut off by Madeline again.

"Look y/n please. I the commander of the knights I have to protect everyone from my kingdom," he smiled brightly. "And your one of us now! Come on don't hesitate! We'll have your back as you'll have ours! How about it?"

I sighed. I guess there wasn't an escape. I suppose I could use come accompany too..

I started smiling unconsciously. "Fine, but if we're talking about a "we" who are the rest?"

Madeline chuckled awkwardly. Oh god, this is scary,,, "I'll be back in a second ha ha." He said as he sprinted away and came back a few minutes later. With him I could see Latte, Espresso and... a plant kid.

I crossed my arms as I started speaking again. "Madeline. Why is there a kid here." Madeline held the kid by its armpits and raised it to my level.

"He's a healer!, it felt wrong to keep him out. Not to mention we don't have another healer and judging by the bruises on your legs.. we definitely need one. Also he's 18." (Google says herb is 18 so)

"YOUR 18?? YOU LOOK 15" I was shocked. How??? HOW?? He gave me a smile that could lighten up the whole world. I thought I was going blind for a second there.

He gave out a small laugh. "Actually it's the first time someone thought I was 15! It's usually 17 or something but thank you!" Madeline let the poor boy go and the kid started talking again.

"First of all I'm Herb! I hope you don't mind me joining your adventures. And I hope I can be of help!" I smiled back. I looked around to the others only to realize Madeline was holding Espresso by the back of his shirt so that he.. doesn't escape..? Madeline was smiling brightly as Espresso looked like he just got out of bed- oh wait. I checked my old clock. The clock showed 7.00. It was still in fact too early in the morning for them,,,

"Ok look so if everyone is ready I would love to move on and leave for the adventure."

Madeline nodded as he dragged Espresso all while Latte and Herb were chatting playfully. We had finally passed the gates.


Even though I enjoyed the company it felt like I was replacing my friends... Latte acted a lot like a mix of white lily and golden cheese when it came to personality! Madeline acted so much like Hollyberry that it made me let out a small chuckle.

Espresso on the other hand.. resembled Dark Cocoa a lot...Now that I think of it, Dark Cocoa had a child the last time I had seen him..I wonder if he is doing well.

"Y/N." I heard someone  yell. I looked over to see Madeline and Latte talking in the back with Herb who was talking to his little flower pot .Espresso was the one who called out my name. I saw him slowly walking closer.

"Are you doing good? I saw that you had spaced out so I came to check. It seems that something is bothering you...I don't want to but in but as Latte says,, do you want to talk about it?"  Despite his face, his words sounded genuine. I figured it was just the lack of sleep  and his devotion to his work (which he has brought up multiple times). I smiled, he definitely was like Dark Cocoa. Although.. Dark Cocoa was definitely better at social interactions.

"I appreciate it, although it's nothing to worry about!" He nodded and as seconds passed we started to get along quite better than I excepted! Even though we worked with different types of magic, by curiosity back in my high school days I had gathered some experience on dark magic. We went on and on about work! It was very rare that someone who was just as enthusiastic about such things came up in life.

Suddenly an arm appeared behind Espresso and wrapped its hand around his shoulder. Of course. It was Madeline.

"Heyyy Espresso! I see your socializing! Spare some of that smile for me too,would you?" I chuckled at Espresso's facial expression. He definitely looked like he could murder Madeline any second.

"Smile at what? Your horrific sense of style or your horrible taste in coffee?" Madeline gasped dramatically.

"First of all, my taste AND sense of style are perfect! It's not my fault you dress so depressing! And it's also not my fault that the coffee you "enjoy" is the very same one that is very unhealthy! It's not "bad taste" it's caring for health. By what I see, you should stop drinking it that much." I couldn't tell if they were arguing or if this was some sort of mating ritual. Either way. I don't think I want to know.

I decided to leave them alone for a while so I made my way to Herb and Latte. "Hey guys, it's still pretty early in the morning. Wouldn't it be good if we rested? I also think Herb should heal y/n's wounds. I'm also very tired" Latte yawned as we all agreed to settle down near a cave for now.

HSVDBDBMSD hope you all enjoyed <3


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