a kingdom of happines

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"I guess that was all..but I still can't remember the face or the name of... him? All I know is that there is a "him" nothing much nothing less. I have seen "him" in my dreams yet I don't know who "he" is." Madeline stared at me completely shocked. We sat in awkward silence for a while until I started speaking again.

"Look I have to go haha- I still need to figure out what to do with my life and well what I can do with my kingdom,,, or at least whatever is still alive in there,,," he gripped my shoulders harshly and started speaking.

"Your coming with me!" He said as he gripped my arms a bit too hard,,,

"wai- WHA- first of all my arms hurt please don't do that. Second of all where to?" I sighed.

He stopped gripping my arms and said sorry again and I just nodded waiting for him to continue. "To our kingdom! You see since we built this place only a month or two ago we haven't properly settled down so it might not be a 5 star experience BUT you must need a place to stay right?" He stared at me with sparkles in his eyes.

"Well.." I sighed. "I suppose a place to stay wouldn't be so bad."

He smiled brightly and we started making our way to the kingdom.


Honestly it had been quite a while since I had this much fun. We laughed a lot as he told me a lot of things about his friends.


laughed and started speaking "don't go too hard on him. Perhaps he's just misunderstood?" He scoffed in disbelief.

"Nope, I'm never wrong. Especially if it's about Espresso that dude really is something. He works all day and never leaves his house. I first thought he was up to illegal businesses there but turns out he's only shady bc he somehow adapted that into his weird personality!" He started pointing at the half-visible gates.

"Hey we're getting close come on I'm excited to show you off to the rest of my friends. It's not everyday you meet a half-god." We started walking a bit faster until we finally reached the kingdom gates.

"Oh come on, with all those compliments I feel too highly of myself let's just continue our journey" I looked around the kingdom. Even if this place was made only a month or two ago, it still felt... comforting? It felt as if I was with my kingdom again.

Some cookie with light blue armor and blond hair came running to us. "Commander Madeline! Have you gathered the-" the knight stared at me for a second and then quickly apologized. "My apologies, may you be welcome in our kingdom."

I smiled lightly at his response. "No need to be so formal, feel free to speak like we are friends." The cookie nodded and Madeline pulled him to the side for a second.

I just looked around staying in my same spot awkwardly. This was gonna be tough.. by their body language I could tell that the knight and Madeline weren't speaking about anything too serious, in fact Madeline was full on bragging about something proudly. The knight left the conversion and ran back to me. I looked at Madeline as he quickly waved a goodbye at me and left smiling.

"What's up with him?" I asked to the awfully polite knight.

"He is the commander after all, he has very important business to attend. I apologize for not introducing myself. I'm knight cookie, pleasure to be of your service." The cookie was incredibly polite and formal, perhaps he a was raised into this? He didn't seem to be complaining because of his job either. Perhaps he really enjoyed it, the slight chance made me smile. I hope the best happens for him in life.

"You look amazing knight cookie. I appreciate your kindness, I'm Y/N cookie. Is it ok if I ask for a quick tour around the kingdom? As you are aware I'm not too familiar with the surroundings." He smiled.

"Of course. I'd be more than happy to! Let's start off with the main center shall we?" I nodded lightly and we started the tour.

Everything here seemed too nice, yet it didn't feel like it was fake. The happiness and the affection, the positive feelings stored in these cookies hearts never once felt like it was being faked or said out of annoyance. It felt... nice..

He went on and on about the recent projects and goals they hoped to reach. As we were walking I accidentally bumped into someone and fell down. What's up with me and falling down lately,,,

"Ow- oh my dear!! Are you ok? Your not hurt are you?" I looked up to see a very pretty woman dressed in a brown dress, topped off with a brown hat that had beautiful designs in it. Not to mention her long white/brown hair looked like she took care of it like those cookie shampoo commercials!

Next to her stood a man with darker brown hair big glasses and a darker choice of outfit. Judging by his looks, he looked like a dark magic user. Not gonna lie that sounds really cool I'd definitely like to learn more about the both of them.

"No no do not worry! I'm completely fine! Thank you so much for asking!" I gave them a genuine smile as I got up.

"By what I noticed, you don't seem to be from around here. Well, I simply just haven't seen you around before. Who may you be?" The man started speaking.

Knight cookie was very quick and introduced me for them. "They are Y/N I just finished the kingdom tour they requested."

Yells of someone could be heard from a distance. I looked behind me to see a cute cookie dressed in very elegant clothes with heart candies in her hair yelling and waving at knight cookie. "I apologize but I must go, Miss Latte please take care of them for the time being."

And he ran off just like that. "Well, since we know your name it's only natural for us to introduce ourselves! I'm Latte Cookie. I'm a professor at Parfedia academy. Nice to meet you!" She shook my hand as she hit the man next to her with her elbow telling him to introduce himself slightly annoyed.

"oW DONT HIT ME-" he sighed. "Anyways, I'm Espresso cookie." It was awkward but thankfully Latte was there to back the conversation up.

"So! Y/N since your new here, do you have anywhere to stay? I have a spare room if you'd like?"

"I'd appreciate it, thank you so much for your kindness but I'll only stay here for a night or two because I have very dangerous situation ahead of me. I hope you understand."

"Of course! I hope your adventures go well! Let's go! Also! Espresso you have a meeting with Madeline in 10 minutes be ready." I could hear Espresso complaining as I felt latte pull me by the hand.

here goes nothing...


So here's a little apology- I actually accidentally  activated "completed" on the book- it's definitely not completed I can't leave it here :,)  I hope everyone is enjoying it so far! Sorry if there's and mistakes I'm hella sleepy rn but I couldn't sleep without posting this ^^

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