"questions with none left to answer"

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I changed the books name and edited some grammar mistakes (also fixed the information chapter) ! Y'all don't forget this is still "a lifetime together"


I forced myself back away and kept my distance. There was always something off about her. The way she spoke... even the way she walked. She seemed familiar yet.. not..?

I never thought much of it. I saw her only as a villain and nothing more, nothing less.

"Well well, what do we have here?" I looked back up to see her smiling at me. Why had the crystal broken without me activating my abilities.?

"It's been a while, Dark Enchantress." I grabbed my staff and held it tight in a protective manner just in case. I didn't want to be caught unprepared.

"Indeed it has! What a wonderful moment isn't it" She jumped down from the cake monster she was on top of and landed a few meters away from me.

"Indeed wonderful. Now stop the idle chitchat and tell me what's really happening. Where the fuck is White Lily." I raised my sword higher as she slowly started walking towards me.

"My my, so impolite! Expected more of the academy's top graduate,,, although on the topic of this disgusting "White Lily" your talking about, she's never coming back. Don't have false hopes. You fragile cookies always get sad easily.,, "

Academy's top graduate..? Was she from this school before too? I stood in place as she was approaching.

Just, what did she mean by all  that?

"Gone? Don't make me laugh. Now tell me where she is." I lifted my staff a bit closer to her. She just sat there, completely unfazed.

"Laugh? I was merely telling the truth! Ah,
Y/N. So naive! Asking for where White Lily is? Really? Well, she's right in front of you."

The creepy smile on her lips grew wider as I stood there confused. In front of me.? That's not possible. She couldn't be White Lily. There was no way.

"I don't believe you. Tell me where you kept her before I slice you into pieces."

Dark enchantress had started laughing. We were standing at least two meters apart, although that didn't stop her from walking even closer? I felt like a fool, I didn't know how to face situations like these alone. Who knew where Madeline and the others were..?

"Your right. I'm not White Lily. I used to take that form years ago. I feel disgusted just by thinking about myself back then,, now I am a new me! REBORN. As the one and only Dark Enchantress! Your future ruler."

She stopped walking. For a faint second I could see it. A glimpse of White Lily in her. I felt tears burning through my eyes. I couldn't cry. I couldn't seem weak.

My head started to hurt again, why did this keep happening..? "You can't be...why..? Why would you do this..? Why would you ruin the academy? Why are you hurting these people..?"

She chuckled in response. "I had my reasons, I lived through hell and I spent years like this! I suffered, I was rebaked alive for fucks sake. No Lily Is remaining. I will rule over this world myself and become the next leader known in history!"

She started laughing. This time it wasn't a mere chuckle, it was a completely unhinged laugh.

I felt dizzy, the worlds didn't feel like words anymore. I couldn't see straight or bring myself to move an inch. I couldn't hear a single thing she was saying over the ringing in my ear. It surely couldn't be this, Dark Enchantress was Lily..? Rebaked? New leader..? What had happened to my kingdom?

A Lifetime Together (pure vanilla x reader)Where stories live. Discover now