big day

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Latte politely opened the door to her house and moved to the side. "Go on! Go in!" She smiled as I nodded and went inside still standing like a brick. It's not everyday you enter a random half-strangers house anyways. Her house had a giant coffee cup in the middle room and very cute brown/cream decorations everywhere.

"Try not to bump into or just touch/spill the coffee there- it's better that we don't blow up the whole kingdom." She laughed awkwardly as we went into the kitchen.

"Your house looks really nice!" I said happily. If I were to speak truly the house was 10/10. It was surprisingly messy at some points but that just made the whole theme seem cooler.

"Really? I appreciate it thank you! Cmon sit down I'll make you some food, you must be tired." I nodded as I sat down my legs we're definitely still sore and I was hungry. But on the bright side she seems like a very nice and kind person. Reminds me of the librarian back at my old academy. She used to give me the books I wanted and let be bring them back whenever I wanted. Although back then I used to have a problem with time management so I can't even try to guess how frustrating that job must have been for her,,,

"So. Tell me your story?" Latte looked at me with excitement. I sighed and told her the story about how I don't remember a few things and how I woke up in the forest. I wasn't even a part of the war!!

"That is all.. I'm thinking of leaving early in the morning to figure out what.. or who is really behind this and figure who "he" is." Latte looked at me and sighed.

"I'm guessing that the spell put on you either was a spell to knock you out that went wrong or it was simply a forgetting spell. I hope your journey goes well, don't forget us will you?" I smiled, she reminded me a lot of  Golden Cheese. I don't entirely remember anyone's face but I don't remember anything at all about "him" that's what I intend to find out.

We chatted as we ate our food together. She told me about Espresso and Madeline's adventures, Almond cookie and his daughter, the cookie that stole knight cookie and how she was the princess here. They all sounded so genuine and nice it made me feel extremely comforted again for some reason.


Latte showed me my room and went back to hers to sleep. Oh she also shoved some pajamas in my hand. I quickly changed and closed the door. I opened my bag to take out the glittery box.


"HEY [|€|>\^.€] GIVE ME MY PACK OF GLITTER BAC-" golden cheese cookie was chasing... someone around the room. We were still really young back then.

I sighed at their stupidness and kept decorating the box. Hollyberry sat right next to me with a smile and gave me more glitter and patterned paper. "Y/N let's put these on the cover!" White lily entered the room and had a box of vibrant glitter inside it.

As she was walking Hollyberry spread out her leg making white lily slip and drop the bucket of glitter on herself and... dark cocoa. I started laughing as I saw golden cheese laughing her ass off.

"IM DYING AHAHSHDJSWJX" golden cheese was laying on the ground holding her stomach. White lily let out a small chuckle as she was getting up and threw some glitter on Hollyberry. That was where their small little glitter fight started.

"Hey y/n" I turned around to see [$3;28-&] cookie looking at me with a genuine smile on his lips. "Yeah?" I asked smiling back.

"What exactly are we gonna put in this box?" He looked confused. I chuckled, "were gonna put our hopes and dreams! We're gonna open it the next time we gather together like this!" I sat up and clapped my hands to get everyone's attention.

"Everyone stop messing around!! Now we will all put our stuff and notes in the box and I will seal it off! Come on!! Be fast!!" Everyone gathered up and put stuff in the big recycled box. I made sure nobody including myself saw what was inside it.

I took the box to another room and closed it off. I was excited for our next meeting but I still new I needed to get older to open it. But rules were rules! I had to follow them if I made it myself. I stared at the box in awe as I felt someone hug me from behind burying their head into my neck.

"Huh-?" [&:!:&2&]? Is everything ok?" I hugged him back. His blond hair was fluffy and I played with it for a while.

"Not to mention your hair is extremely fluffy" I said half-joking to brighten up the mood. He chucked and stopped hugging me.

"Look I just...Im concerned about if all of us don't make it to the opening of the box... what if something happens to one of us?" He looked really sad.

"Look [&:!;&/] I wouldn't let anything bad happen to anyone here! I, the holy y/n will stop any monster from eating my friends especially you. Your one of my best friends I don't know what I would do without you. Let's make a pinky promise ok?"

He nodded his head and let out his hand.

"I want you to promise to always be together and protect everyone even when I can't" He said with his usual smile.

"and I accept! I promise to protect anyone and make sure we all live a happily ever after!"

[end of flashback]

That was the day we made the pinky promise. Had I already broken it? Well on the bright side I remembered something new! Apparently this "he" cookie had... fluffy blond hair. Oddly specific if you ask me but I'll take it! I put the box in my bag because I wasn't going to break another promise and open it without them. I still laugh at dark choco's glitter covered face. I hope everyone is alive.

I layed down in the bed and gave in to the soft blanket which told me to sleep. How long had it been since I slept in a bed?... tomorrow I will be leaving alone for my adventure and figuring out what to do with my life. Let's just hope it goes well.

I set the cat alarm clock that Latte gave me to 06.30. If I'm a second late who knows what I will miss?

It's like 200 words shorter than usual. I apologize for that- anyways how is everyone?

Latte is so pretty shes such a comfort character [cry] Stan her

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Latte is so pretty shes such a comfort character [cry] Stan her

I also apologize for using [!\?~€\] as one of the cookies names bc Y/N doesn't remember anything about him :,) and I had to sort of make it glitch somehow

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