A garden full of "flowers"

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It was finally morning again. Everyone had woken up from their comfortable sleep yet I hadn't even slept for more than 2 hours. Somewhere in my heart I just knew I had to go to the academy again. Was white lily really there? Was she alive?

I felt a pat on my shoulder as Herb sat next to me. "Are you ok? You look tired..." He had a sense of worry in his eyes. Did I really look that bad? "I'm fine don't worry, I just couldn't sleep well. You know sleeping outdoors made me anxious" I chuckled and Herb's face lit up a tiny bit more, feeling more relaxed now that he was less worried.

"If you want we can stay here a bit more and you can sleep for a little while!" I smiled softly and thanked him, but our adventures couldn't handle a single delay. After all, it was my fault that everyone is lost, gone, dead.. who knows?.But my only intention is to find out and save everyone.

"I appreciate it but no thank you, Herb. Besides I already found the place we should go to now!"
Herb looked at me fully excited. "Really??? I'll bring everyone here so that we can continue on our journey!"

I had hope.

Hope that could bring back my kingdom.

Hope that could bring back my friends..?

Perhaps, I was wrong but checking the academy was worth a try.


Herb came back with the others and I explained the plan to them. Everyone seemed sort of excited that we had gotten a place to go for the sake of our quest. I had never told anyone about the dream I had. I didn't want to alarm anyone. I didn't know if white lily was even alive or dead so I figured it wasn't the smartest option to tell them.

After Madeline was done doing his,,, knight stretches. We decided to move on. The road was long but with a professor, coffee addict, plant child and an optimistic bastard we could make it. Needless to say, I didn't even expect to survive the first day but here we are. It hadn't turned out as bad as I expected.

We passed many different city's. But thankfully we were all used to such long travels so none of us got injured or had to rest.

"Hey Espresso! Got any idea where we are?" Latte was really cheerful while espresso looked like he would leave the same second if he got the chance. "I don't know. Don't you have a map or something??" They surely acted like siblings.

Latte sighed and started talking in the usual "I might be nice right now but don't try your luck I'll bite your arms off" way. As expected of a professional teacher.,,

"If I had a map I wouldn't ask you." She facepalmed completely irritated, as Espresso didn't say anything. I could tell both were very  annoyed so I decided to take out my own old map and try to locate where we were. Some parts of it were ripped off but at least we could probably make something out of it.

"Everyone, come on let's go it's this way." I headed off as everyone followed me, still fighting,,, We all made our way to the academy until we finally reached the gates. The garden looked pretty normal. The only problem was the amount of vines and moss around the statues and the rocks here. How many years has it been? Surely this school was pretty wide known back before my "sleep..?" how come none of the younger cookies now knew about it?

We walked through the now "abandoned" schools garden. The flowers were still blooming and looked incredibly pretty. "Hey y/n! How come these flowers haven't died yet? By my studies these types of flowers die if you don't water them for under 3 days! And uh.. I doubt that any of the ghosts can water them.. " Herb asked while he crouched down for the flowers awkwardly. The flowers were shining and left off a white aura. It was truly mesmerizing if you didn't know why it was this way.

I also crouched down with Herb and took a flower in my hand. "These flowers are already long gone. What's keeping them "alive" visually is a protection spell that me and my favorite teacher back then created. Want me to show how it really looks?"

Herb nodded enthusiastically while staring the the flower in my hand. I reversed the magical spell in an instant and the flower dissolved in my hands.

The golden dust golden dust replaced the flower and I started explaining once more. "Unfortunately these flowers have been dead since the day I started school. I was friends with the old gardener and they had spoken up to me about their problems with the flowers constantly dying even though they took great care of it. So, I felt bad. The gardener worked day and night yet the flowers still died no matter what they did. I figured I could at least try to help and create a spell. One that would make the flowers be something it could never become on its own." I got up and took another flower and put it in my bag. The same one that still contained the glittery box.

Maybe if I tried hard enough I could perhaps bring these back to life.

Herb looked at me with excitement in his eyes. Although.. he still had long to live. I shouldn't bore him with these old stories. This was making me feel like a grandma,,.

"That's still a thing y/n!! How did you make such a spell when you were just a student??? That's awesome! I didn't know you were this smart!" I smiled softly, he was really easy to impress huh?

"Actually, I finished school in first place along with I think... 2 other students! School was just too easy for us.. I remember skipping school thousands of times just to eat ice cream and watch the stars.." Back then, I had memorized every constellation and I would refused to go home every night until I spotted at least 3. I wonder what happened had here... maybe one day I could gather my friends again and eat ice cream again.?

I felt Madeline put his hand on my shoulder.

"No matter what happened, we will figure this out y/n! I doubt that anything happened to anyone! I mean... uh I hope." Latte smacked Madeline in the head and then turned back to me.

"Y/N look your friends were strong, have faith in them. I know that they survived we just need to find them. And we will no matter what! Don't listen to Madeline he's out of his head right now." She smacked Madeline in the head again as I chuckled.

"I appreciate it you guys, I just hope we can find them soon together but to do this we have to actually move right?" I crossed my arms as Madeline apologized. Thankfully we were back to moving again.

We walked through the beautiful garden until we finally reached the "secret hideout" the kid and Lily used to drag me to when we were little... The door was sealed off with white lilies. Just like back at my kingdom.

She must have been here too.

happy late Halloween <333

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