the tragedy

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I sighed as I walked down the empty halls of the now ancient mansion I used to call "home".  The whole place was a mess, there were broken pieces of glass and struggle marks on the walls.

How could have this happened? And how did it happen in such a short time?? I made my way around the house full of dead cookies. The butlers, the ones I used to call my friends, they were all gone. It was a terrifying sight .Even worse than anything else I had seen before on my adventures.

I kept walking in pain. My whole body felt heavy, was this really happening? It wasn't my fault was it?

If only I never acted so stubborn and went on that dammed quest. Why was such a cruel fate put upon these nice people? Why couldn't have it been me? Why did I have to be the only survivor? My kingdom, the people I promised to protect...

I found my way to the top floor of the house. The building was close to falling apart and the sickening silence had made it even worse.

Even though I could nearly stand There was only one room I needed to visit. I walked my way into a long hallway, decorated with family pictures and more memories. At the end of the hallway stood a white door.

As I started to make my way towards it I noticed that it was protected with some kind of spell. I sighed, the door was surrounded by green vines which let down a blue aura. It also had beautiful white lily's all over vines. I put my hand on the vines and sighed. She must have been there. I smiled, I hope she- no they were all doing fine. I lifted the curse and handled the doorknob

I twisted the doorknob and revealed a kids room, one that was decorated with cute f/c wall paintings and toys. This was entirely nostalgic... This room  layed on the back of the building so thankfully, the damage done here was significantly less when compared to the front areas.

I observed the nostalgic scenery for a second. It felt like it had been years since I came here. I was too busy with training so I had completely forgotten to check back on anyone. I sat down on the small damaged bed, took out a box decorated with glitter and quickly made my way out of there.

A Lifetime Together (pure vanilla x reader)Where stories live. Discover now