a snowy surprise

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After struggling to fix the tents, Espresso had passed out, leaving me and the others in complete silence. Knowing all the hard work he puts in his studies, it must be hard to go through this much fighting and actually active activities.

Herb was gone to collect new plants for his studies and probably his own entertainment. Latte and Madeline were both zoned out off into the unknown while we just sat there in silence. It was comfortable, completely understandable too.

Soon after, the silence was broken again by Latte. "So what do we do after this? I know we talked about Vanilla kingdom since it's the closest place we could go but is that the plan?"

Madeline nodded. "Yeah, my guess is that maybe Y/N could at least gain some more memories on the way. Knowing that [f/n] Kingdom was also destroyed just like Vanilla Kingdom"

I couldn't help but quickly interjecting into the conversation. "Wait what- Vanilla Kingdom? I was gonna ask earlier too but.. who rules that land?"

Maybe I could talk to them about the kingdoms and what lead to this. More specifically what had happened to Dark Enchantress. Maybe I still had hope to bring Lily back.

"Huh- Y/N-? You don't know Vanilla Kingdom-? I'm starting to question if you actually live under a rock. It's is.. or it was ruled by Pure Vanilla Cookie. He's my greatest inspiration." Madeline scoffed, slightly annoyed.


What the heck was a pure vanilla.

Now that I thought about it.. it sounded like a cat name more than anything... A CAT RULING A KINGDOM-??

"THERE WAS A CAT RULING OVER A KINGDOM-??? WHY DID I NEVER HEAR THAT??" A cat ruling a kingdom.. just imagine how adorable it would be!

My hopes were crashed when Madeline sighed.
"Y/N no. It was a cookie,,,"

"Oh. That's less exciting but ok ig"

"Now tell me where I can find this Pure Vanilla cookie is. I'd like to talk to them about their kingdom."

Madeline sighed again,,, what did I do this time-?

"Y/N we don't know where he is. He had been missing for like 3 years by now."


"Well... I guess we're going to Vanilla Kingdom to find him tomorrow!" Madeline facepalmed as Latte slightly chuckled at us.

"You just have to try the impossible don't you? I'm not entirely complaining this is one exciting adventure,,,"

We all laughed at Latte's comment, it was definitely going to be an adventure to remember..


A few hours later, Herb came back with lots of colorful plants in his hand. We all chatted and had time to even light a fire for the jellies! (Worked like marshmallows)

Soon after everyone fell asleep including me, probably because of the extended amount of jellies I ate but we didn't talk about that anytime again.


[Latte's POV]

I woke up from my nap in the tent. My back wasn't doing too well after sleeping on the floor but I couldn't complain,,,

I got up and out the tent. My back was completely stiff so I had to stretch my arms out for a while. In my surprise no one was awake before me..

I ran into Y/N's tent and tried to shake her awake.

"Y/N~! Come on it's morning~!!"

After a lot of struggling she finally woke up looking like she got out of a war.

"Wh- is it morning already-?" I let go of her and nodded.

"Yes and I'm too bored, I want to move on as soon as we can because what If this "he" is your soulmate!? WE CANT PASS THIS CHANCE. ITS LIKE A CONSTANT CLIFFHANGER WAITING ALL NIGHT!!" Y/N started laughing at me.

"If you say so, I'll be ready in five wake up the others. Although I doubt that it's my soulmate of all people you know. Don't get your hopes too high" she said as she also stretched her arms out.

"Leave it to Fate Y/N. Leave it to Fate." I chuckled as I walked out the tent to wake up the others, I just hope that today goes well.


[Y/N's POV]

I quickly fixed my hair and went out the tent to spot everyone now awake waiting for me. That was fast-

"YOUR HERE!! Come on let's go!" Latte caught my arm and started dragging me to the Vanilla Kingdom along with the others.


We soon managed to reach.. a very dark forest. The forest was empty, not a single soul to be seen. It felt just like my kingdom for some reason.

There wasn't a castle anywhere here so we kept walking through the creepy forest. It had started to snow aswell.

The beautiful snowy white petals fell from the sky as it became colder every second. It was refreshing to walk in such light snow, even if it was cold it made it feel like we were on soft clouds.

As we were walking we spotted two kids playing tag on their own. Seemingly not bothered by the snow that was falling from the sky or the creepy forest.

I figured I should see where their parents were, it was a dangerous place after all.

I left the group behind and made my way to the kids. "Hello!" I said with a soft smile to not scare them.

Both of the kids looked at me with amazement in their eyes.

"Hello Miss!" The smaller child politely greeted me while the other one just..stared.?

After a while the bigger child spoke again "She's so pretty!!!" The smaller one hit the bigger child in the stomach slightly, he seemed annoyed for some reason.

"I know but it's creepy to say the the first second you idiot!! What if she thinks we're creepy.???" I couldn't help but let out a small chuckle. The kids were far too kind for their own good.

"It's fine, I won't think your creepy for a compliment! So... what are your names?"

"I'm Pancake and this is Custard! What's your name?" The smaller child said in enthusiasm.

"I'm Y/N. Nice to meet you!" We shook hands as the conversation continued. For once I was having a stable conversation with a kid-?

We talked about their interests and life. Seems like they have been very busy just even as a child.

"You know! I'm actually a king!" Custard said as he put his hands on his hips proudly.

"Wait. Really?? At this young..?" Poor kid, his life was definitely hard for a 12-13 year old.

"Yes he is! He is being called a king instead of prince because both his mother and father have been missing for years..!!" Pancake did the explaining as Custard smiled brightly. Maybe he wasn't bothered that much, which was completely understandable since he was probably a baby when his parents disappeared.

"I believe that they will come home! They said they would the last time I saw them and Ill put my trust in them as long as I'm alive!" Both the kids started laughing as I couldn't help but smile.

They had a bright future ahead, hopefully much brighter than mine.



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