Part.1- Kind Healer

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I jumped in-front of the kids quickly and took out my staff. Using a magical attack I managed to throw the robot away and break it into pieces before hitting the ground. More and more robots were coming every second. It felt like there was an endless factory of them,,,

Black raisin was as powerful as she claimed. Her crows could pierce through a cookies skin in a second. She looked really cool too! I finished the monsters that were coming from my side and immediately dropped my staff to check on the kids.

I crouched down next to Pancake who was holding semi-unconscious Custard in their hands, crying their eyes out. I quickly checked Custards pulse and checked if they were breathing or not. The heartbeats were raised although it seemed that he was having trouble breathing properly.

"Where was he hit?" I quickly picked up Custard as I made sure Pancake followed me.

"I-I didn't see-! I t-turned around for a second and-and-" Pancake was visibly panicking at his friends state. I had to do something now or else who knew what would happen to Custard.?

I shouted at Black Raisin who was killing robots here and there every second. "DO YOU GUYS HAVE LIKE A CAMP HERE? I NEED TO HEAL CUSTARD AS SOON AS I CAN HES HAVING TROUBLE BREATHING!"

"THERES A CAMP- DOWN THE ROCKY ROAD. GO THERE AND SAY YOU ARE MY FRIEND! GO GET THEM HEALED AND IF POSSIBLE BRING BACKUP." At the end of the sentence she ripped out another robots mechanical arm.

I nodded and quickly got up(taking my staff with me) running as fast as I could down the rocky path. I looked down at Custard for a second.

There was something about this kid. I didn't know exactly what or why but I felt like I had to protect them with my whole life. I panicked on the thoughts and ran faster until I finally reached the gates.

A cookie with a paper bag over their head greeted me with a panicked face, noticing the semi-unconscious kid and the crying kid in my hands.

The cookie with the paper bag told another cookie to quickly get "healer cookie" and ran up to us. "Lie the kid down! Here a headrest! The healer will be here in a second." I quickly did as the cookie said and let Custard rest on a blanket. I checked their fever which seemed to be higher than the average and brushed his hair away from his face.

Pancake sat on the floor next to us as we both waited until the healer arrived.

I looked up to see a guy with dirty blond short hair and bandages covering his eyes. He had a big staff which also looked suspicious compared to the normal healers you would see in towns like these.

He ran up to us quickly and checked the same stuff I did on Custard. "Where was he hit?"

I panicked trying to figure out what to say and if Custard would be alright. "I have no idea- we left the kids behind for a second and those robots- they attacked him-"

"I need you to be calm. Since it's a magical treatment he will most definitely be fine. Leave him to me." I nodded. The only thing I was so focused on was bringing the kids back here, I even forgot to call for backup.

"Please take care of them. I have to leave to protect my friends now. Also, have you seen a cookie called Latte? She has big hat and there's this other kid with big glasses and their called Espresso?"

"Yes I did, they are currently inside the old cafe building." I quickly thanked the polite stranger and ran off leaving the kids in his care. He seemed awfully trustable.

I harshly pushed open the building door and spotted them both arguing about coffee again.
"LATTE. ESPRESSO. WE NEED YOUR HELP AS QUICK AS POSSIBLE!" Both of them dropped whatever they were doing as we quickly made our way back to the forest in order to help Black Raisin and Madeline.


I could see the physical exhaustion in both their movements, thankfully I wasn't late to bringing help. "WE'RE HERE!"

Black Raisin turned around and the robot prepared another attack as she wasn't looking. "LOOK OUT!" Unfortunately it was too late for her to move or do anything. The only thing I had on the other hand, was my staff.

Without thinking I did the first thing that came to mind. I quickly turned my staff upside down and ran up to the robot. Before it could hit Black Raisin, my staff stabbed directly through the crystal in the middle, shattering it into millions of pieces.

Even if my attack looked cool and got the job done, I couldn't keep my balance and ended up tripping over. I got back up as quick as I can and looked back at the robot.

The robot had separated into 3 main pieces and. Instead of having light in the middle crystal, it had "GAME OVER" on it written in bold red letters.

Game over..? Was this some sort of sick joke..? We beat one monster after the other, I hadn't fought in so long so I was a bit rusty compared to anyone on the team.

"Aim to the crystals! Pretty sure that's where the control panel is!" Black Raisin nodded and commanded her crows to go for the crystals.


Espresso defeated the last robot as we all sat down completely tired from all the chaos. I walked over to the first robot I stabbed and took out my staff to study the robot a bit more.

I dislocated the crystal and sat back down next to the cookies who were laying down completely exhausted.

"What the heck are you doing y/n-?" Madeline mumbled as he slightly lifted his head up.

"I'm studying. It's important shut up."  I couldn't waste a single second, I had to figure out how these things worked. Truth be told, this was some excellent technology! Topped off with excellent yet sort of childish design.?

"I feel like you spend time with Espresso too much that your starting to act like him.?! It's ok y/n, auntie Madeline will f-" before Madeline could finish his sentence (which I wasn't even paying attention to) Black Raisin had hit him in the head.

"WHAT WAS THAT FOR-?" Madeline held his head, clearly offended.

"Your annoying. Also y/n is busy, shut up blondie." I couldn't help but chuckle at Black Raisins statement.

I got up and put the crystal back in its place, it was still broken so it was definitely hard to figure it out. Although I still did, this wasn't some ordinary machinery.


Proud Hollyberry haver 💪 She's Star 2 too 🍴

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Proud Hollyberry haver 💪
She's Star 2 too 🍴

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