Part.2-the castle

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We reached door after door, all of them leading to the same looking hallway. For once, the castle felt familiar. I didn't remember how or why, but I knew that I had been in this place before.

It seemed that everyone but me was hesitant to walk around or enter places. Everyone was chatting, I did too with a tiny bit of small talk. Something about this place had made my headache way worse, I didn't feel like chatting that much.

We had accidentally split into two groups, me with Healer cookie and the rest all together. Surely, this wasn't the best way to carry out such a big plan but we didn't have any more choices than to continue on as a group of two.


We reached the top of the castle, to the throne room. The wide doors were left open, revealing a big throne fit for the true ruler of this castle. On top of the throne there were two crowns, covered in diamonds of all kinds.

However, the room was empty. I found it strange that a room of such importance
being left empty. Perhaps this was a trap?

We all walked in. Both of us observing the area ahead.

"Don't go near anything. I have a bad feeling about this." Healer cookie seemed to have the same idea as me. I was glad that I was not going insane, at least not on my own.

The door forcefully shut behind us. Healer cookie quickly ran and tried to force it open, yet it didn't budge a single inch.

Just as I expected, this was a trap.

Behind one of the other doors, you could hear the distant laughter of another cookie. It was fairly easy to guess who it was. I had been preparing myself for this.

The other door opened as Dark Enchantress revealed herself, along with another cookie with red hair.

"You made it huh? I thought you and your stupid group would be dead by now. Guess you learned how to finally keep things alive for once. Congratulations." I could feel the weight of her words sink into my skin.


No matter what she did, or no matter what she said...

I couldn't hate her.

I couldn't get annoyed at all.

Something in me was always showing needless empathy towards her.

I couldn't bring myself to call her names.

This only made me feel worse about myself, why was I such a stupid person for not being there for her..?? I had the chance to help her back then, why didn't I take it??

I didn't speak, I didn't feel like fighting back.

I wanted to hug her, she was the only proof of the existence of my past. She was basically the only one I had.

The more I held back the tears, the more my throat ached. I knew I had to say something, anything.

"Cat got your tongue? Who is this bandaged weirdo anyways? Do we have uninvited guests?" Dark enchantress chuckled. Healer didn't look very happy on her words either.

He spoke up, seemingly unbothered to say whatever came to his mind. "Hiding behind your reputation again? I warned you before, if only you listened when we had all this time."

Healer cookie took off his bandages from both his face and his staff, revealing his blue and yellow eyes along with a flower with and eye.

He surely looked cool but I couldn't piece it together At all..?



"when we had time"

"you guys know each other-?" I looked at both of the cookies, confused on what the heck was going on. Dark Enchantress looked extremely angered to see Healer cookie. I could at least figure out that both of them didn't have the brightest past together. But the rest wasn't the most obvious.

Dark Enchantress started laughing, her (by the looks of it) assistant couldn't hold back hers too.

"Ah, Y/N. You don't need to worry about that part. Surely, you won't need that type of Knowledge. Don't stress yourself trying to remember it. We do need you after all." As she finished her sentence, Dark Enchantress started walking towards me again. I didn't move back this time, I had questions, many of them.

"She deserves to know the truth. Now tell me, why doesn't she remember anything? What did you do?" Healer cookie spoke in a harsh tone, not really expected from a person like him.

"I didn't expect her to forget everything so easily, needless to say I'm very happy with the results." Dark Enchantress took both of my hands as I stood there like a tree, pretty uncomfortable on what I should feel about the whole situation.


No one really explained to me what was supposed to be going on,,,

Healer cookie didn't hesitate to get in front of me in a protective manner, separating whatever the hell was going on with me and Dark Enchantress.

The smile upon her face faded. I tried to look back, to see if I could remember healer cookies face.

I couldn't but I just knew that I had seen him before. I just.. uh.. didn't know where.

She was visibly mad and couldn't hold it in anymore. Using a magical attack that threw Pure Vanilla away to the other side of the room.

"HEALER COOKIE- ARE YOU OK-???" I was going to run for his aid as Dark Enchantress fired another attack, against me this time. I was able to dodge it so I took advantage of her current situation.

I ran behind a pillar and looked back at H- I mean Pure Vanilla Cookie. He was laying on his stomach trying to pick himself up with the leftover strength in his arms.

Next to him stood my staff, I needed to somehow get there. I hid my whole body against the pillar,

I had a plan.

"Y/N. You know there's no use hiding. You can't hide from the truth. I will be your guide to paradise for all cookies. The type of place every small kid dreams of. We will make earth-bread a better place." My head felt like it was going to explode as she continued onto her speech.

"You and me. Together. We can run rebuild this world."


Turns out I might be allergic to bananas

Here's the thing I ate like two an hour ago.

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