The real her.?

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[White Lily's POV]

"Hey Lily, Is it ok if we can speak in private? It's pretty important." I looked back to see Pure Vanilla with a stressed smile on his face.

"Huh? Sure. Let me tell the others real quick-" I turned to Madeline and told him that we would be checking out the hotel, knowing the look on Pure Vanilla's face. It was obvious that this was a heavy subject so I didn't want to stress anyone else out.

We started walking randomly around the hotel. It was quite pretty, with flowers everywhere. Vanilla stopped in front of me and turned back, looking at me with a melancholic yet serious face.

"I'll get straight to the point. Please tell me what's up with y/n. Why doesn't she remember anything?" I couldn't help but frown, I felt bad for my past actions.

"I'm guessing it was from one of the hits she took when we were fighting a few years ago. I remember her being knocked out after that but.. I didn't expect her to lose memories. Knowing how you were lost, how much do you remember?" Did Vanilla even remember the old Y/N? The memories they had built together?

"I remember everything. I have from the very start.. I expected her to give me a hug or you know.. at least be happy but seeing her looking at me as if I was a stranger.. it felt horrible. I want to know how to bring her back. I miss the kind, sympathetic y/n. I though that.. maybe if she had still kept the hairpin, she would have remembered me.."

I looked back at the past interactions I had with y/n and compared them to now. She was always a warm person, she smiled no matter the situation yet.. the current her felt very far from that description. She didn't feel cold or rude instead she felt blank. Like avoid in a way. Her head was always in the clouds somehow.

The reason why I hadn't told y/n that Pure Vanilla was the kid she was looking for was because of this. I knew that their relationship would get worse if y/n didn't warm up to him or the idea of him.

"I'll try my best to bring back her memories. We still have hope."

[y/n's POV]

I opened  the door and revealed a small cozy room. The room was as decorated well as those YKEA rooms you would see at the stores. There were different pictures on the wall.

I walked closer, entering the room to see if I could recognize anything.
Next to the wall, there stood a Christmas tree. It was also decorated professionally.

The door behind me opened making me flinch.

"WOOO LOOK WHO'S HERE" the other 5 cookies walked in. They all had Christmas hats.  

Golden Cheese placed a Christmas hat on my head so I wouldn't be the only one left out. "HA LILY YOU LIKE SANTA'S WIFE"


I looked over Golden Cheeses shoulder to see that Hollyberry was teasing Lily. Dark Cocoa was standing next to them, trying to figure out how to untangle his hair from the Christmas lights as the blond haired kid sat next to the tree to read his book.

I crouched next to him. He seemed awfully peaceful.

"what are you reading?" I layed my head on his shoulder. Sitting next to the chimney and the Christmas tree like this felt awfully heart warming.

"Oh just another random book I found lying around... it's about constellations and many more" he spoke in a soft tone, it came off more of a whisper but it was easy to hear if you were this close.

"You seem to like that topic huh.. well.. if you like it then I must check it out later!" He chuckled.

"If you want to, then I'll lend you some of my books later. How about that?" He kissed my forehead. I couldn't help but blush. Truly he knew his way around with his words.

Golden Cheese sat down and grabbed a box from under breath the Christmas tree.          "OH COME ON I FEEL LONELY NOW-
[!!|!~\!:/&] watch out or I might steal your wife any second~!"

The blondie laughed "Yeah yeah we'll see about that,,," The rest of the cookies sat down around the chimney.

Golden Cheese span the box on her finger like a basketball excitingly, pretending like she never heard that. "SO-  CAN WE OPEN THE PRESENTS NOW-???"

Everyone nodded as we began the gift giving. Hollyberry had gifted me a picture drawn by her kids while Golden Cheese gave me a giant photo book with all of our memories in it. Dark Cocoa's present was an old book that I was trying to get my hands on all week! On the other hand, White Lily had sown me a sweater! I loved all of them.

I gave my own gifts to everyone until there was one cookie left. He was the one to speak first.

"I hope you like it." He handed me a small box with [f/c] wrapping all around it. Still giving me a soft smile.

I grabbed his box first and unwrapped it carefully. Making sure I didn't rip off the colorful designs.

Finally taking off the lid, the box revealed a pretty white flower hairpin. I couldn't help but stare in awe.

A smile found its way across my lips on accident. I grabbed the hairpin and put it on my hair carefully. Making sure it didn't get harmed in any way.

" I love it."

I handed him my own gift. Waiting for him to open it too.

He opened it, staring at it just like I did for a little while. I felt nervous. What if he didn't like it-? The gift was a pair of crocheted plushies. One made after me, and the other made after him.

"I know it's not much- I tried my best to learn from what Dark Cocoa thought me of making these- I figured you'd like it- if you don't I can make anything el-" before I could finish He took out the plushies from the box and put them on the chimney, making them sit next to each other.

"I couldn't ask for anything better." He quickly put the box away and hugged me.

I had missed this so much. I hugged him back without words and we just stayed like that.


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