worst possible babysitter

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Name of the book is back to normal!


"Miss Y/N, may I ask why your here? I'd understand if you were a kid since me and custard only came here to play around but.. aren't you a little too old for that?"

I felt my heart drop. Did I really look that old..?

"Pancake!! AND YOU WERE CALLING ME THE IDIOT!!! Obviously the highest she could be is 20! Your making it look like you think she's 68 or something!"

Pancake's face turned red at the comment and quickly apologized.

"I DIDNT MEAN IT LIKE THAT- I MEANT IT LIKE YOU KNOW- YOU DON'T LOOK- YOU- YOU ARENT 12 RIGHT-? I couldn't help but giggle at Pancake. Thankfully they didn't actually mean it..

"I'm not, don't worry I didn't miss understand! Haha."

The fact that they thought I was 20 is way better than what I thought.. not gonna lie I don't even know how old I am.

I- uh. Anyways. I still needed to answer the first question they had asked.

"I'm here to find the ruler of this land! Pure Vanilla himself! Do you have any idea where he might be?"

I noticed how the mood in the room had become slightly more awkward. Did I say something off.?

Pancake fixed their outfit and started talking again "Actually, I have no idea. But uh- that's exactly what we were looking for too! Miss Y/N could you please take us along with you?"

I was surprised, why would two kids need to find such a noble person?

"Well, I'll have to talk with my team! I'm sure they will be very understanding!"

I heard a faint shout of my name behind me. Ah, speaking of the devil. It was Madeline running towards me.

"Y/N! We found something! Come o- wait why are there a kid h- CUSTARD-??? WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE—? AND PANCAKE-??? DO THEY SELL YOU BOTH IN A BUY-ONE-GET-ONE PACKAGE-???"

Madeline rushed over to the kids as I got back up from the uncomfortable position I was crouched in.

"You know them?" I asked with a confused look on my face.

"Yeah, Custard is actually from our kingdom along with Pancake. These evil little children keep running off into the woods,,, was this your hiding spot all along.?" Pancake and Custard nodded sadly as I couldn't help but chuckle.

"Madeline leave the kids alone for a second we have to talk." I dragged Madeline away from the kids a bit too harsh which nearly made him loose balance and fall into the now snowy mud.

"HEY- I'm gonna get my swords dirty BE CAREFUL-"

He didn't fall he was just being dramatic.

Madeline got up and started acting more serious. I looked back at the kids to see what they were doing and sighed as I saw them safely playing with the newer snow that was starting to build up.

"What do you need to talk about? Did you remember anything?"

"No no I haven't. But Madeline is it ok if the kids join the scavenger hunt thing we have going on with the team? They said they were looking for Pure Vanilla too." Madeline sighed and facepalmed in the most dramatic way ever.

"Custard again,,, he never gives up huh. Anyways sure, Herb left anyways so we do need a healer. Also the kids are too adorable to say no to,,,"

Why would Custard be looking for Pure Vanilla again..? Was this a re-accruing problem? But more importantly.. PLANT KID IS GONE-???

"Wait, HERB LEFT-?? WHY HE WAS SO NICE-???" I already missed talking about flowers to someone,,,

" oh yeah, he saw a friend and they said they wanted a drink and dragged them back to the kingdom."

Awh.. well at least he was happy..?

I needed to visit him once this is over. I still needed to teach him about the flowers and how to create holographic copies,,"

Something quickly flashed right in front of my face  as I pushed Madeline in panic. Both of us fell down to the floor without a warning. Whatever that was...

...IT BIT ME-???

I looked to my arm to see a crow holding onto my arm like there was no tomorrow. It didn't hurt but, WHAT THE HECK-

I quickly shook off my hand and got up to look around to see if there was anyone around.

"Outlanders. The types of cookies I hate the most,,, State your name and business."

I was pushed behind Madeline so I couldn't see the unknown cookies face. Getting up, I kept my wand behind me ready just in case.

The cookie quickly spotted me and lowered the  arm she had held up for defense. The color quickly drained from her face.

"Y/N..?" How did she know my name..?

"Uh. Hello." I had never seen this cookie my whole life, yet she acted like I was her long lost twin.??? If I didn't know the boy from my dreams hair color, I would have thought it was her.,,,

"I... I can't believe this.!" The black haired cookie quickly ran up-to me and gave me a big hug which led me to noticing that they only had one arm.

I hugged back, maybe hugging strangers you have never seen might have been unsafe but I could use a hug.. it felt... nice.

"Are you ok..?" I looked back at Madeline over the cookies shoulder , they looked at me with  an awkward look, literally asking what the heck was going on just by his facial expression's.

"I am.. I just thought I'd never see you again! That night when you slayed those monsters.. I kept my promise! I got stronger."

Wait. Night? Monsters? Promise?

"I.. uh. Could you please give some context? I lost my memories long ago due to an accident and uh.. yeah- I don't mean to be rude in any way though don't get me wrong!"

The cookie stopped the hug and moved away clearly confused.

"Y/N..? You don't remember us..? What happened??? Are you hurt???"

With an apologetic smile I quickly shook my head. "I'm not! I just don't remember a lot.. including uh. Your name... if you don't mind-?"

"Right. I'm Black Raisin C-" black raisin went silent as soon as screams could be heard from inside the forest.

Then it hit me.

I looked back at where Pancake and Custard we're supposed to be.

They were gone.

I felt my heart drop in an instant.

"QUICK I THINK THAT WAS PANCAKE!" I quickly ran to the sound of the scream along with both Madeline and Black Raisin following from behind.

I ran as fast as I could just in case if they were in danger. Who knows what's in these creepy woods???


All three of us made it into a separate section in the forest. Specifically the place we had heard the screams from. Two small cookies could be seen in the distance.

Pancake was on the ground with heavily injured Custard in their hands. A giant robot, at least 3 times our size was standing over the two children, preparing for its next attack.



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