Part.2- Kind Healer

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Everyone got up and we decided to check back on Custard and Pancake. I felt bad that the poor kids had to be dragged into this..

I looked around to observe the forest more. There were dead trees and flowers everywhere. If you looked hard enough you could probably even find dead cookies- in fact that was what creeped me out. I mean it's not like it was as bad as my kingdom after whatever the incident was,,, but it surely was something.

Black Raisin kept silent the whole time. She was cut short last time. I still didn't understand how I had met her but she seemed sweet enough. On the other hand, Madeline and Espresso were talking as Latte just admired the "scenery" . She said it looked like something out of a horror movie. I never thought that she of all people would be into those,,,

We reached the gates and I quickly left the group to check on the kids.

I entered the healers tent. Healer Cookie was putting a blanket on Pancake who had fallen asleep near sick Custard. I watched him silently as he fixed both of the blankets to not disturb him or scare him. The cookie started laughing softly, his back still turned.

"How long are you gonna stand there? Might not be the most luxurious but we do have seats." He turned around and gave me an accepting smile.

"How did you- do you have eyes on your back or something-?" I sat down in the small cardboard seats which were close to the fake bed. I wanted to be able to check on Custard at the same time.

"So who do you happen to be? " He quickly tidied up and sat in-front of me. He was awfully polite for a stranger,, not that I could complain though.

" I'm y/n! Nice to meet you!" I smiled brightly, hoping for him to continue the conversation so it didn't get awkward.

He smiled and looked around.Quickly pulling my arm for some reason. His actions were quick but not harsh. More on the gentle side to be clear. I looked down at my arm to realize I was bleeding along with a bunch of other small scars and bruises. Perhaps these were from the millions of different times I had gotten hit,,, I needed to work on my defense again..

Normally I would have been completely uncomfortable with a stranger touching any part of me but.. for this time.. it felt safe..? He looked all over both my arms and hands, eventually accidentally pressing on some of the bruises which made me flinch.

"Oh sorry I didn't mean to do that-" he moved his hand way from that area and stared examining the rest.

"Do you.. mind if I heal these..?" He spoke in a soft tone. I nodded without saying a word, the only problem was that he was a bit too close,,It was in fact too close to the point where I had started to get self conscious of my own breathing.

His healing felt like a cold breeze, you could physically see the scars disappearing while the bruises faded. I turned my head away from the healer to ease the tension and hopefully be able to breath normally again. I checked back on Custard who was sleeping peacefully. Thankfully, he had gained some of his color back.

I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my arm which made me turn back to the healer. He was holding a small piece of glass in his hand.

"How did you manage to get glass of all things in there..? Stay right here I need to pick out the pieces and heal it without magic." I stared at my arm for a second as he got up and left the tent. Seriously how the fuck did I get glass-?? in my arm-??? when-?? Had I been walking around with this for the past week.???
A few minutes later he came back holding a peculiar box. The box looked cute until he opened it. Inside the box there were all sorts of sharp tools and scary looking stuff. I looked back at my wound which was literally the size of my palm. (and I didn't mean that in a good way)

I laughed awkwardly as he picked up the biggest tool he had in the box.

"You know- I don't think I need to get this healed- haha- Im fine a small bruise can't kill me!" he didn't respond and kept shuffling the box, taking out literally the sharpest and creepiest tools.

To my surprise, he took out everything except one small tweezer. Was he trying to kill me-?

"Ah I found it!" He handed me the tweezers and (thankfully) put everything else back in the box.

"Don't worry. I'll be as gentle as I can." I nodded awkwardly and looked away. I didn't want to see glass with blood on it or my own skin being sliced open.

He quickly finished the glass part and poured the medicine on without a warning. The medicine was the hardest part to take in. His touch made it feel slightly better for some reason. When I flinched he hadn't gripped my arm in panic but had massaged the area instead before putting bandages on it. I wanted to slap myself in the face for having the weirdest thoughts but I couldn't.

I wanted to make a good (probably) first impression.

"You know.." the blond healer had finally broken the silence.

"Your name.. or rather just you in general. You feel familiar." He finished bandaging my arm and got up to throw the useless stuff away.

He didn't feel familiar at all to me. I figured it was probably because of me killing that monster Black Raisin had mentioned.

"That's possible. I don't remember much too but Black Raisin said that I killed a monster back here around 10 years ago. Perhaps I had met you back then?"

The cookie in-front of me looked slightly dissatisfied. After a few seconds the slight frown on his face just turned into a soft smile.
"Your right. I must have confused you with someone else!"


We sat there chatting for hours. (mostly about the robots)

Turns out their full names were "Waffle bots" and they had been attacking the village since... Healer cookie could remember staying at the camp.

Mid-conversation, I had the chance to study the visible features of the healer in-front of me. I tried to remember something.. anything..? But it didn't work.

Maybe he really was back from the time I had bet Black Raisin..? I doubt that I had even talked to them before.


I wrote this while eating a whole box of vanilla ice cream.

It felt very confusing.

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