a harmless bet

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I had left healer cookies tent a few minutes ago, trying to find Madeline and the others. I wanted to leave the kids to heal as we could figure out where "Pure Vanilla Cookie" was.

I decided to look around a bit more, the tents were all slightly worn out but it was still a nice village. Knowing the older circumstances of my own kingdom, I was glad that this one wasn't just as bad.

Black Raisin was sitting next to a tree. I called out for her which led to the black haired cookie running up to me.

"Is there something you need?" I quickly waved my arm as a no.

"Well Yeah- look. I'm gonna gather the team again in a few minutes. Is it ok for you to protect the camp while I'm gone? I'm gonna leave Custard and Pancake here so that they can rest too. I need to trust you on this." I smiled and gave her a short hug.

She looked dissatisfied. I could guess her next words. She had it written all over her face.

"No way! I can't just-" I cut her off due to lack of time.

"I know your worried about us but these people need you more! I defeated a whole ass monster right? What's up ahead won't even hurt me! I'll make sure to protect my friends." A small smile had slightly formed on her face. I could tell that words didn't leave her satisfied but she herself knew what had to be done.

"Right. I will protect the camp but there is a catch." I tilted my head, slightly curious at what they had meant.

"What kind?"

"You have to take healer cookie with you. I know your current healer is sick and well.. Latte told me the old one left. Healer cookie is the BEST when it comes to healing. I know that with him on your side, I could rest a bit easier."

I couldn't help but smile at her words. She seemed like such a different person when it came to her looks yet, she was incredibly kind when the time was appropriate. I nodded at her words.

"If you say so, but please take good care of Pancake and Custard while we are gone."


After the talk, Black Raisin led me and the other cookies back to the camps gates. Our main goal was to figure out who Pure Vanilla was but we also needed to stop the Wafflebot attacks. If it was for the safety for another cookie, I could wait a bit more before continuing on my own.

I saw this as a way to redeem for my wrongdoings. A way to pay back those who died when I wasn't able to protect them. The promises I had made, and the people I left waiting.

I still couldn't let go of my kingdom. I couldn't believe I wasn't there to save anyone. All those who were my friends, had I betrayed them? If I was there, could I have even saved them? White Lily...all who knows what she went through.. was that all because of me too..? I didn't even remember a single thing. Was I even worth the stories and the praises I got?

I shook my head trying to knock these thoughts out. What mattered now was the plan. I didn't have time to let down others again. The least I should think about was my own feeling. I had to pay for what I had done.

We all waved Black Raisin goodbye and started moving forward. One by one we fought off many monsters, healer cookie healing all of us whenever needed. We had even found our way up to the Castle which apparently no one here knew existed..? This was odd..

After finishing many fights, we spotted a pink haired small cookie in the distance. It's fluffy hair looked like clouds.

"Hey! You! Whoever you are!" The cookie pointed at me from a distance, it seemed that they we're working on a robotic creature so that couldn't come close. I pointed a finger at myself.

"Me..?" The cookie nodded quickly and jumped down from the giant robot they were working on to get closer to our group.

"Yes! Turn around for a second! Like uh.. do a full turn!" I didn't know what to do so I trusted the pink haired cookie and turned around.

"WOAH- IS THIS NEW-?? SECRET INGREDIENTS-?? I HAVE NEVER SEEN THIS BEFORE!?? CAN I GIVE YOU A ROBOT ARM??? OR A NEW ARM ALL AT ONCE!!??" The cookie looked amazed. I couldn't do anything but stand there like a tree. I was going to decline though. I didn't want and I couldn't imagine having a robot arm.

Before I could even start my sentence, Espresso grabbed the kid by the back of their shirt. Pulling them away from whatever the heck was going on.

"Cut it out. No one is getting a robot arm. Who even are you-??" The kid (trying to escape Espresso) started wiggling around as I silently slided over to Madeline.

"I bet that kids actually the creator of these robots or something. Yk like the evil child mastermind!" I spoke lower so that the kid or anyone else couldn't hear us gossiping.

Madeline leaned closer to be able to hear me, his arms still crossed. "No way! That looks like a child. Definitely no. PLUS why tf would you think that?" If I was being honest. I had no idea. I just felt like the puzzle pieces I wasn't even sure of fit somehow..?

I just had a feeling I guess.

"Well." He took out a few bucks from his pocket. "If you win, you get 1.000 coins. If I do, your gonna give me 1.000" He had a stupid smirk all over his face but that didn't change anything. I wouldn't back down that easily.

"Make it 2.000 and we have a bet." I crossed my arms as Madeline chuckled, accepting the challenge.

Maybe this could be a waste of perfectly good 2.000 bucks,,, but something just pushed me into the idea of the kid being the maker of those robots. Plus the designs looked like them too.

We were lost in conversation as we heard a yelp from Espresso. I quickly turned back at them to see healer cookie holding Strawberry crepe by the armpits as Espresso was holding his own hand in pain. All while Latte was laughing her ass off.

"YOU DIDN'T HAVE TO BITE ME-" Espresso's voice cracked and we could no longer hold it together anymore. Both me, Latte and now Madeline were laughing like there was no tomorrow.

Healer cookie dropped the wiggling kid due to them moving too fast. Poor Healer,,, he just got pulled into this mess out of nowhere,, It must be confusing.

The kid got on their feet again and backed away from all of us. "GEEZ I JUST WANTED TO TALK BECAUSE I WAS BORED. NOT TO GET TORTURED-??? I just wanted to see
Y/N's ingredients thats all."

I couldn't help but stare at the conversation taking place in front of me. (Which just so happened to be all about if I needed a new arm) something felt off about all this...

I sat there thinking, lost in thoughts for a little while.

then it hit me.

I had never told them my name before.


She's pretty <33

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She's pretty <33

Trying so hard not to spoil the next few chapters,,,,

I literally just re-read a horribly sad manga and binged it be careful for (some of them) the next chapters 👀

Crying rn I have too much power💪


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