New plan

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I have officially ran out of proper pictures so were doing these now


"I'm just joking! That's not the cookie your looking for you idiot. Even if I know who that is I cannot tell you, you need to find it out yourself." I sighed. Although I was annoyed at her, she probably knew something to not do this for her own pleasure. I trusted her.

"I'm just gonna pretend like I never heard that then." I left the laughing Lily's side and went back to Healer Cookie. She was still laughing her ass off in the background, literally rolling on the floor.

"Healer come on! Let's find Madeline and the others to make sure that they are safe!"

Not even kidding I was definitely gonna pretend that I never heard what Lily had said. Just to not overthink it.

My next goal was the find all of ancients and bring their land back together again... and

to open the box.

I looked at my bag and checked if the box was doing well, since it was basically a DIY it had a bigger chance of breaking apart. Healer Cookie nodded and I immediately turned to Lily once again. "Whose kingdom is the closest to here?"

"Hollyberry's. I will accompany you too, if you do not mind." I nodded. Extra help wouldn't be so bad.


We made our way back to the group. The only person remaining was Madeline. I panicked and rushed over, had something happened to the others-?

"Oh hey Y/N!

"Hello Madeline. Where are the others? Are they all ok-??" Madeline chuckled. He seemed awfully relaxed for some reason.

"Y/N! Relax!! Latte and Espresso had to go back to the kingdom for work but they will be back shortly. They said to move on and not wait for them for now. Also, who are these?" I let out a relieved sigh. Thankfully they were safe.

"Good to hear. This is White Lily also known as Dark Enchantress- long story short she's good once again! And uh- that's.." I didn't know what to call them. Healer.. or..?

"Is that Pure Vanilla and are they are also Healer cookie-?" Madeline had a confused smile on his face as he tried to figure out what the heck I had just said. That surely was a lot to take in.

"WOAH WOA- WAIT WERE DONE WITH THE WHOLE DARK ENCHANTRESS THING ALREADY-?? WHAT DO WE DO NOW-??" Madeline once again, took me by my shoulders and started shaking me.

This brought back too much nostalgia.

With me, still being shaked by Madeline, Lily started to do the explaining. "We're gonna find HollyBerry Cookie! Our main goal is to bring together all of the heroes once again and well.. bring back Y/N's memories in some way." She chuckled awkwardly at the last part.

"MADELINE STOP SHAKING ME" Madeline froze as he heard me yell and moved a meter away from me. He mumbled a quick sorry. This shaking habit that these cookies had was truly the weirdest thing I had ever experienced.

"So- about Hollyberry, where do we look for her?" Lily asked.

"I'd say that the most logical answer is to check her kingdom first. She's probably there." Pure Vanilla spoke in his usual calming tone. After a little bit of arguing, we all decided to carry on to Hollyberry kingdom.


We walked though the forest. It had a very colorful aura and pretty flowers everywhere. I zoned out, thinking to myself about today.

I still found it hard to picture Healer Cookie as another person. Now that I thought back at it, he did remind me a lot of "him". His blond fluffy hair, the casual boy-ish charming smile, and his elegance. It all had lined up a bit too perfectly.

I didn't want to jump into the conclusions just yet. I knew that it wouldn't be the smartest thing to do. Considering all of the mess I was already in.

On the other hand I had finally gotten White Lily to safety. She was just as I remembered, and even better. She had this joke where she would randomly turn into Dark Enchantress to scare Madeline. Honestly, it was a genius idea. It worked every time.

We kept walking to the next kingdom, it was getting dark but we were too close to give up. So, we decided to find some sort of hotel to stay in.

"If we're staying in a hotel, I want my own room." said White Lily, crossing her arms. After taking her thought into consideration, I figured that she needed some time to think.

Madeline didn't even waste a second and shared his own preference. (Other than men.) "I couldn't agree more. I also want my own room."

"Right! That's cool! Then healer and y/n can stay in the same one! We can add two beds if they want or on-" I slapped Lily across her head and she apologized, still laughing.

Healer was the next one to speak. "I don't mind. Although I think two beds would be better than one. It would make Y/N more comfortable"

Madeline nodded as we continued our journey. We had found the hotel we were going to stay in. Although it did look a bit..odd,,, I doubted that it would be that bad. It was only gonna be a night or two! I was tired and I only wanted to sleep.
I made Madeline do the checking in part because I didn't trust Lily on that matter. She always ended up being up to something.

Madeline came back to us and gave us our room keys. I took the key and went straight to bed, Pure Vanilla and White Lily were gonna go look around the hotel so Madeline came to visit my room before he could check out his own.

I had forgotten just how loud a wild Madeline was.


"Dead. Hopefully in a few hours." I face planted the bed and threw my pair of keys to the side table. Vanilla had his own so I didn't have to wait for him to arrive.

" OH COME ON!! DON'T BE LIKE THAT! There's so much to live for! Just keep calm and be happy!"

"Your acting like a 2008 cookienet meme Madeline. No one says that anymore."

"Your right I feel like a middle aged kindergarten teacher sometimes- anyways, so since we're here let's get straight to the point because I'm bored. Do you like anyone?"

"No but I know you do."


"A man with glasses who also loves you back but gets annoyed pretty easily so you both just end up aggressively flirting on accident. It's pretty obvious."


It surely was the easiest thing to read. You can see it in the way people looked at each other. How they talked or how they chose to impress the other individual.

No matter what people said, I couldn't find love appealing. It made people do or say stuff they never wanted to. So how was it even positive? I knew that eventually I would fall in love too so I tried my best not to hate the idea that much. Perhaps I only thought this was because most of the people I had met were dead. And the rest was missing

Madeline's face went red. I knew it. He went silent and just turned on the tv.

Without knowing I had dozed off on top of the covers. I was too tired to even move and inch.

Gathering a group of emos was harder than I thought.


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