Chapter 16:

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"(y/n)... Such a beautiful name... Don't you think, Blackstar-kun ?" Ella made a smile as she played with Kuroshiro's katana. He was sleeping peacefully on the bed.

"So you brainwashed him..." Blackstar mumbled. Ella gasped in happiness, nodding. "Oh yes !" She placed the tip of the katana on his cheek, and made a long cut across his face.

"You know, you have such a hot body and a handsome face, Blackstar. Kuroshiro is cute, I know that, but you're more interesting.. Falling in love with a weapon ?"

"You don't give a damn about me and (y/n)'s relationship.." Blackstar muttered, enduring the stinging feeling he had in his cheek from the cut. "Oh I do. You're jealous of that nerdy fellow, weren't you ?" Ella said tauntingly, playing with the katana. Blackstar glared. "So what ?!"

"I made him forget (y/n). That's a favor for you, nicely done." She smiled, crossing her arms. Blackstar stared with wide eyes, and looked away. "He loves (y/n). He loves her more than his life. He... He vowed to himself about protecting her." Ella rolled her eyes. "And I fcking hate it."

"What, are you his stalker ?" Blackstar laughed. "He loves (y/n). Brainwashed or not, even though it makes me jealous, he loves her." He smirked. "Love can't be erased, even if you do whatever kind of sorcery to his memories."

"Shut up !" Ella yelled, pointing the katana tip on Blackstar's throat. "He will be mine... MINE."



You looked up, just to see the new student. Red eyes... Like Kuroshiro's insane ones.

You smiled. "Hi, Kuro." The said girl smiled brightly. "...Your meister's Kuroshiro... Tarinai. Right ?"

You made a gasp. How did she...

You stood, and grabbed her hand, running. You dragged her to the back of the school, panting. "How... How did... How did you know..."

Kuro frowned. "(y/n), before I tell this to you, I want you to save him." She stared at your (e/c) eyes, her red eyes showing seriousness. "The witch... The witch casted a spell on me-that if I told anyone about Kuroshiro's case, I'll die. Right here, right now, and the spell would make Kuroshiro see you and your friends as enemies."

"What ? Wait, I'm confused... Just... Okay. The witch casted a spell on Kuroshiro, and it would automatically see us as enemies once you tell me this ?"

"Yes." She looked down, sighing sadly. "...I wanted to live and enjoy this body a lot longer... But I love him. (y/n), please, you're the one who makes him happy. It hurts, but I want you to keep him alive and happy. I would sacrifice my life for him."

You felt tears start to well up in your eyes. All those years... He... Kept his feelings behind, hiding them with a large, goofy smile. He looked so happy, but he was utterly broken inside. He endured everything, watching you be happy in Blackstar's side.

Then there's her-the one who loves him so much. It's like a love chain, but only you can get a happy ending.

You fisted your hands. "I promise to save him. No matter what, even if I die... I'll save him. That's a promise."

With this, Kuro smiled. "Good. Now, let me tell the story...

Of the man who suffered so much in his life."

"Ow !" Kuroshiro winced, groaning and holding his neck. I blinked. "Kuro-kun ? What's wrong ?"
"Something hit my neck..." He mumbled. Then, he plucked the 'something' out. He looked at it, and his eyes went wide. "...This..."

"Kuroshiro !" I yelled as he dropped the tranquilizer. He fell down to the ground with a thud, eyes slowly closing. Oh no... Who the hell di-

"There you go, Ella." Medusa walked to him, together with another witch. She had a wide grin, crouching down next to him. "He looks so handsome ! Thank you !"

"Kuroshiro's not a toy ! Leave him alone !" I yelled, and black blood circled around my dear master, needles springing out. The said Ella gasped, flying up to dodge. "Someone inside him spoke." She blinked. Medusa sighed. "Oh that ? That's just his black blood-deformed inside him to be a person." She said plainly. "She's no big deal. Take your prize, Ella."

"No !" I yelled again, summoning more needles. In anger, the btch stopped the needles with shadows, shattering them. "Tch." She rolled her eyes, forming a wagon-like thing from shadows. Then, shadows picked Kuroshiro up and placed him in the wagon. Damn it !

Ella walked, the wagon following her. "What do you plan with my other experiment, by the way ?" Medusa asked. Ella made a grin. "You know how I love darkness. First, I'll take that girl out of him, then, turn him to a killing machine. His fighting skills suits it !"

"Fck you !" I yelled again. "He'll die when you do !"

Ella blinked, and smirked. "Oh ? Then that means I should just take his memories away, create you, take at least 3/4 of his blood, and viola ! Two killing machines at ones !"

I growled. I can't really attack without drawing his blood-or when I'm off ground.

Btch, I'll make fcking sure you pay for this.

Just let one chance slip, and you're dead.


888 WORDS ! (Including this lol)



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