Chapter 22: Apple

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I feel really tired. Yeesh.

We were only a few meters left before we reach Death City... And... Well, what happened last night still confused me. Why would I do those things ? I never even knew how to do those... Yeesh.

"We're here !" Ella giggled when we reached concrete ground. I blinked, and looked up at the whole building. Before smiling brightly. "Right..."

"I hope you're ready to fight, though. You look pale..." Ella turned to me, shrugging.

"I do ?"


I don't even feel strange... Well, yes, I'm tired... But why would I be pale ?

It didn't take long before that was answered.

I felt weak. Really weak. I accidentally dropped the kid on my back, and fell over. Luckily, she caught me. "O-oy-what's wrong ?"

"...I don't know."


"...Must be the blood loss..." Ella stared down at him for a few seconds. "But it's been a week or two---why did it only take effect now ?"

"I-it's okay..." Kuroshiro sat up, and gave a nervous laugh. "I'm sorry--maybe it's just that I didn't eat lots earlier... I gave you my share earlier, remember ?"

"...What should I replace it with, then ? If it's really that..." Ella only smiled at him, and gave a nod, but didn't respond. She only did when she stood.

"Eat this, then." From her own shadows, she created an apple, and handed it over to him. "If you're hungry, just tell me. You see, you have an important role in this, I can't let you be weak or sick right now."

Kuroshiro frowned, and took the apple with a sigh. "...Of course. My apologies." He mumbled, standing up as well-picking Blackstar up and placing him again on his back. Then, he smiled, taking a bite from the apple. "And thanks."

"Anything." Ella smiled back, and continued walking throughout the streets. She, however, used Soul Protect to keep pesky meisters or people from detecting them.

"...The apple tastes weird..." Kuroshiro mumbled, looking down at the half-eaten apple. Ella turned to him, and stopped her walk, making him stop as well.

"It makes me feel weird." Kuroshiro muttered again, and turned her gaze at her, his eyes starting to turn red. Ella gave a grin, and walked over to him, pulling his glasses away. "Are you still tired ?"


"That's why you feel weird. Don't mind it, though. It's not like I'll give you anything that will hurt you."

"...I can't see without my glasses. Give it back, please."

"...Nope." Ella dropped the said thing, causing the lens to shatter. Kuroshiro only stared at her, his face blank. And it only brought more joy to the shadow witch. "You see, that apple helped you to be stronger so you'd defeat them. You want that, right ?"


"Good boy." She placed a kiss on his forehead, and started walking again. Kuroshiro followed silently, his head still lowered.


That apple didn't make me strong. That apple made me much more insane. It gave me more blood thirst.

And gave me more intelligence, to my advantage.

I was dumb. To follow her around, to trust her quickly. Through that apple, I can see her intentions. She just wants me to kill those people, right ?

Well, okay. I'd kill them.

But after that, she's next.

Then I can eat her soul, then I'll get her powers. That'd be cool... Shadows. They're dark. Really dark. Just like me-dark. Empty. I don't even know who I really am-what was I before I got to this witch's side ? Who was I ? I was too dumb, and now I just realized, why would those people beat me up ?

What did I do to them ?

Am I someone bad ?

I can't see. Everything's a blur since she took my glasses. But I can still see souls. Hers and the ones behind me. The one on my back is stuck in an internal battle. And I think he's strong because, hey, he's been there for a day or two now. Most people won't handle things like those for more than a day.


I sensed souls at my left. They were seven. Two meisters, five weapons. Five weapons ? One boy meister uses twin pistols. The girl one uses the scythe. Maybe this kid on my back owns one of them... He's an assassin, so... The Nakatsukasa's his. Nakatsukasa people are known for being weapons, assassin weapons, I think.

Then who owns the katana ?

"What ?"

"Souls. Turn left. They're in the forest."


We started walking our way there. The scythe meister has a special ability of seeing souls, too. Along with the twin pistol user. Why aren't they moving, then ? I'm sure by now my soul is red already.

Maybe they're waiting for us...?


"It's a good idea to go here. Really." Soul said with sarcasm, his face flashing from the scythe blade. "I thought Kuro said avoid dark places. And we're following that, obviously." I rolled my eyes, deciding to spin him around so he'd shut up. "They're here now--I sensed it ! The witch and... Sadly, Kuroshiro. It's better to fight here, the destruction would be less."

"He has a red soul now. That means he already devoured a human soul. He's corrupted." Kid turned to (y/n), who has been silent for a while now. Liz made a sigh, her face seen from the pistol as she spoke. "Don't say that like it's too late. Maybe we can still save him..."

"Only if he decides to seek for our help. Although he'd be placed in reset-and great pain." Kid answered. "We'll have to change his soul. Which means he'll forget everything, too. And he might change."

"...That's the only way...?" (y/n) asked, making Tsubaki pat her back. Kid gave a solemn nod. "He's gone too far... Besides... When you said you encountered him, he didn't know you. So maybe his memories were already gone from the start."

"We can still try, though." I made a sigh. "Maybe we can find another way... Or make one."

"You can't."

We all turned ahead, and stared, seeing the sillhouette of a girl... And a boy behind her.

They're here.

"He won't come back. He's already mine."

I saw (y/n) narrow her eyes from the corner of my eyes. And when the moonlight finally showed their faces, I gripped my scythe tight.

"He's never yours."

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