Chapter 24: Name

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Surprisingly, things are going smoother than I thought it would. Kuroshiro was unconscious, same with Maka. Soul seems calm about it since he just sat next to his meister and watched... Maybe Maka was helping him on the inside ?

(y/n) looked relieved, according to the corner of my eyes. I guess Blackstar's fine, too...

Which leaves me, and this bitch, left.

"Kuroshiro's out of your control now. Give up, you're alone !" I yelled, aiming my death cannons at her, before shooting. Ella blocked with her shadows, and glared straight to my eyes. "Kuroshiro's mine."

I quickly turned away from her eyes. I'm not letting her hypnotize me or something-we have enough problems and enough out-of-control people already !

"I see. You know my abilities." Ella giggled, sending random creations of her shadows at me. "We're just fair, then, since I know yours, too."

"Yes, but today, you're going to die." I glared. Ella laughed. "You won't even ask about how Kuroshiro would be back ?"

"He won't. He's forgotten. You see, Kuro. She's his black blood, right ?"

"Correct~!" Ella shattered one of her shadow-made puppets. "One enemy down as a prize for you." I growled as I shot at one on my left, which planned to attack me. But it wasn't destroyed. It only got out of shape and morphed back whole.

"There. Good boy. Now, what do you think happened to Blackstar over there ?"

"Stuck in his own self." I maneuvered back with my beelzebub. "His conscious is in his soul, along with his sanity."

One more puppet shattered.

"How'd you know ?"

"I can see him in his soul." I huffed, catching my breath. "I'm still Lord Death's son. I can see souls as better as Maka can."

"Maka ? Oh. That girl helping my nerdy boy there ?" Ella shrugged. "No wonder she can enter his soul easily. But tell me, what if I trap them there forever ?"

"I'm not letting you !" I growled, and shot at her again. Ella laughed, having her shadow puppets protect her. "As expected, you would. But you're not going to last. Even if you're Death's son."


I feel pain through my chest.

"Kid !" I heard my weapons yell in worry as I lowered my gaze. Shadow puppets ? But the remaining ones are right in front of me...

"You think I'd kill my creations just because you guessed right ? Stupid." Her smile went wide, in a creepy way. "You're easy to deceive."

I felt the blade slide out of me. I coughed, losing balance and falling over from my beelzebub. It hurts. It hurts so much, even if it's just shadows...

"Kid !"

Tsubaki's voice.

I felt myself hit the hard ground. It hurts. But not as much as this stab wound.

"Kid-your soul's damaged !" Liz morphed back to her human form. Patty glowed, about to as well, but got a glare from her sister. "Don't."

...So that was why it hurt so much...

Well, damn. She got me. I take back the words I used in my first sentence.

All I see was the night sky. And Tsubaki's worried face. Along with Liz's. I want to speak-say I'm okay. I'm still breathing.

I'm the son of a reaper, but it still hurts too much.

I felt something lift me up and put my head on someone's lap. (y/n). Blackstar was near me, in fact next to me according to my peripheral view. And I bet he's doing his best to survive in his own head.

"Kid ? Can you hear me ? H-hey !"

This idiot. What if the bitch steals her boyfriend again ?

"Is he okay ?!" I heard Soul from a distance. I moved my gaze, and followed his sound, seeing him defending his unconscious meister and Kuroshiro from Ella's shadows with his arm as a scythe blade. "Damn it, we're out of meisters !"

Now I have to speak. They need help. I can't move right now-my body feels heavy and I feel like my chest was flooding with blood from the wound...


Tsubaki gasped, and quickly leaned in. "What is it ?!"

"Thank Death you're still alive !"-Liz

I turned my gaze to Liz, then did my best to glare. Damn, just one stab made me this weak ? Well... It did hit my soul pretty hard...

"...H-help... Soul..."

And I guess that was enough. Liz gave a firm nod, and took Patty from my hand. As quick as I told her to, she ran next to Soul, and started firing at the witch.

Tsubaki gave a nod as well. "We'll leave Maka and Kuroshiro to them. We'll make sure you don't get further more injuries and Blackstar is safe." She gave a warm smile, before standing up. I felt (y/n) gently lay me down and stand up as well. Then flashes. Tsubaki held (y/n)'s katana form. Lucky. Tsubaki knew well with katanas, thanks to her family history, and she can pretty much be compatible with anyone she wanted to.

One versus three. I have to admit, that bitch is strong and clever as fuck.

But it's all up to them until those two wake up...


It's really dark in here. So this is his soul...? It's really empty, too... Like what Ella said. Empty since he never had memories. Since they were stolen from him.

I walked ahead, not knowing where to go. What is ahead anyway ? Does it go north ? What if it goes west or south ?

This place is just... Black.

And white.

I saw little light up ahead. I don't know what direction it is, but I ran to it. Black and white. Black and white ? Somehow there must be a reason to this... Why is Kuroshiro's soul black and white ?

Black... White... Kuro... Shiro.

I gasped, staring ahead. Black is Kuro in japanese. White is Shiro.

So this... This was why he was named with Kuroshiro.

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