Impossible Thursday Time is the subject.

701 21 21

 19. .A friend of mine owned a clock

With backward numbers round about

Hands that were the other way around

The shortest was minutes and longest hours

So the twelve o’clock was measured

As a backward six, and six became the backward twelve.

20. There was a movie* I once saw,

Where a boy was born old

A wizened old man, wrinkles,

No teeth and nobbled kneed

And then with the passing of time

The old man grew younger, and as a baby he died.

(*Curious Case of Benjamin Button, Eric Roth 2008)

21. Time and travelling it with ease,

What possibilities?  We could fly to see

Our ancestors, and tell them how it is now

In our world and our intelligence and how

We can communicate, over the www

I think they would burn us at the stake.

22.  If I could turn back time,

 What would I change?

What spells would I weave?

To bring about a life of total ease,

What lessons would I excuse my soul not to take?

The first, because I’d chicken out

Not counted unless I have too because I'll need this one to finish the count, sooo it is here counted..

23. If I could choose a different time,

To be born, a different place to live and learn,

Where would I choose to help me win?

The best deal for eternal grins?

I think I would have to say

No other time except today

(I cheated here this is too probable)

24. If time was to melt in the heat,

Like Dali’s surreal painting

Then in summer time would

Never be measured, unless

It was watched by machines

Strong enough for global warming

25. If my time on Earth was measured by,

A piece of string which I could keep

Beside my bed showing me each

And every hour of which I had left

Would I then still hold tight

To my dreams each night?

I have done seven today because the fifth one isn't impossible. Still counting it to date, it becomes that extra one.

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