Wednesday, is said to be full of woe, must change!

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102.How can this middle day of the week

Be given a turning of the cheek

Can we make it a day with a better frame of mind?

Wednesday please be aware you must find

A new outlook on your existence, really

It will never be right until you stop being woeful, truly?

103.Bad hair days must be made into wind swept talk-about,

Were the worst day of the week becomes inside out

So everyone must wear their clothes inside out and back to front

Then laughter would be this, just no longer woeful day of the week

So instead of it being Wednesday, now on it must be

Laugh-day or Funny day, for us to change, can’t you see?

104.Something else impossible is that people these days

Are scared to touch, scared to hug and hold hands

Just to say that you are friends, and like to have that

Other human beside you close instead of your “iPhone”

Then Wednesday could be called Hug-day

Humans must touch each other instead of machines.

105 Another thing about this middle day,

Is that day needs to be able to say

What you really think about your job

If you believe that you feel like a slave

Well it should be a day in the week

When you could just speak your mind

106.When water restrictions were at their highest

Some short years ago, Wednesday became

The day when no one used the shower

It was bird bath day, toe and tail only

Impossible but true for those who could

So for water conversation that day would be Water- save –day

107 Wednesday should be the best day

And maybe it could become walk day

Especially if weather be fine

And that day everyone with good legs, and toes

Would walk instead of drive, the whole time

Where ever they have to go, to and froes         

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