Chapter 1

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"Am I dead?"

"Hello Tommy."

"Schlatt's been asleep for around three months."

"I'm so glad."

"Is that..."

"She hasn't moved from over there since she got here."

"No one's seen her ghost Will."

"Are you sure?"

"I don't even know what she's seeing right now."

"What do you mean?"

"The limbos, they're all different."

"She hasn't even looked at me."

"I would say that she might be dead, but she already is."

"Do you think she knows I'm here? Do you think she knows what he did to me."

"Tommy. That doesn't matter anymore. Stop bringing it up."

"I'm going to set up a solitaire arena right? And we'll have a..."

"No please. Keep talking about solitaire."



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