0.5 Prologue

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~ something lasting for a very short time, temporary ~


1 year ago -   Chloe's pov

"Caspian stop cheating!" I shout at my best friend when he doesn't stop tickling me. I push at his chest while he laughs at my reaction. The sound echoes in the near-empty forest. Caspian moves a quick hand to my own and takes the dagger from my loosened grip.

"Cheater," I say as he pulls the blade against my neck. He pushes off me and points at my undefended self. "And you're dead."

I roll my eyes before he throws the dagger on the frosted ground. The late winter is nearing its end, and I couldn't be more thankful. I'll always prefer the warmth of summer, the relief of not having to wear multiple layers of clothing only to step outside.

I throw my coat on the ground a few feet away and lean down to pick up my dagger. Training with Caspian is a sure way to fight off the cold.

"Again," I say and grip my dagger tightly and lift my arms, shifting my legs while doing so.

Today is the second time this week I'm out in the woods with him. Every week since I started my training, I would sneak out to meet him here, teaching him everything I've learned. The ritual hasn't changed in the 4 months following the first time.

"I'm sick of close-combat, and I just beat you," he says and sheathes his dagger with a smirk. I grip the tip of my dagger and flip it a few times in my hand. When Caspian turns, I throw the blade into the tree in front of him, making sure it's close enough to scare him, but not harm him.

He whirls around and looks at me with a shock. "You caught me off-guard, and I was going easy on you. If I were anyone else, your head would be in my hands and your body on the ground." I say smugly and he rolls his eyes while picking up his coat.

"Is that what they're teaching you?" He scoffs. "How to properly behead someone?" He turns but I don't fail to see the sadness hidden under his bitter act.

"They're teaching me how to survive." I say softly while approaching him, my black boots crunching the snow under me. "It's either this or nothing, you know I have no choice." I brush my hand along his shoulder.

I have nothing but understanding for my best friend. Once I join Lord Miraz's guard, there will be little time for me to meet Caspian, something we both know is a clever move from his uncle's side.

I got the offer a few years after the Lord had killed my parents. Join him, or die. I had been living in the village near the castle, hopping from house to house, from family to family.

He faces me with an expression I recognize. "We could make it," he looks deep into my eyes as if trying to convince me. Far too many times had he proposed the idea of running away, living on their away from the cruel ruling of Miraz.

"You know we wouldn't." I look away, my eyes threatening to fill with tears. If it could be a reality, it would be all I need, but unfortunately it's not. "They would find us, and I'd be executed anyway. The prince can't just run away with common trash-"

He takes my hand and cuts me off. "You're not trash. Stop thinking so little of yourself." His words are soft yet a command.

I've never felt worthy of his time. For years I've been the daughter of traitors to the Crown, even though I know they would never have done anything to defy it. I look at our hands for a second before wrapping my arms around him.

"I love you, Cas." I say against his chest.

He kisses the top of my head and whispers. "I love you too, sister."


A little backstory is always nice I guess.

This is just a chapter that shows they have a past or sum shit. idk.

New: heavily edited because wtf was my writing.

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