19. Epilogue

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Peter Pevensie woke up with a startle, on a hard surface, feeling his head ache terribly as he sat up.

He was sitting on a stone walkway, hearing crashing waves and birds chirping in the distance.

After standing up, he looked around more.

He seemed to be in front of some type of castle, with dark orange light from a beautiful sunset casting shadows around him, surrounded by a forest with trees that seemed to dance.

Peter didn't understand. Wasn't he just on a train?

Where were his sibling? And his parents?

Something told him that he would find the people he was looking for inside the castle, and so he started walking.

The place seemed awfully familiar as he walked the halls. He didn't even have to think twice before he made a turn, somehow he knew exactly where he was going.

Slowly, his fingers traced patterns on the dusty walls, its white stone gleaming in the patterns he made.

Through great windows along the halls, the sunset shone at him, distracting him.

He turned to look, and was met with a reflection of himself in the glass.

Only he looked younger, and his clothes had changed.

He was wearing a white loose shirt and a pair of dark brown pants with suspenders that were hanging loosely by his sides.

He looked like he was 18 years again.

"Peter?" A soft voice called out from behind him.

Peter's voice caught in his throat as he heard the way too familiar voice. His whole body froze as his mind resurfaced images of the owner.

Slowly, he turned around and immediately felt the urge to cry.

Before him stood Chloe Raeden, the girl he had loved, four years ago.

"Chloe." He choked out as she walked closer to him.

She was wearing a flowy white dress that reached just above her knees. As she drew nearer, Peter could make out every little detail.

She still looked the same.

The scar on her cheek was there, her brown hair that he had grown to love was moving softly from an undetectable breeze as she smiled at the boy in front of her.

"Hey there, Magnificent one," she said with a grin while reaching out for his hand and holding it tightly with both of hers.

"I thought I'd never see you again," he whispered, taking in her features once again, as he used to do.

"Well I'm here now," she replied before embracing him tightly in a longing hug.

Peter chuckled in disbelief as tears streamed down his face. Her touch was real, her voice was real.

She was real.

They were here.

In the castle where they would grow old.


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