7. Stupid plan

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As the following week came, nearly everyone inside the fort was being trained in sword fighting. The children and a few of the women were the only ones who wasn't.

After Chloe's last encounter with Peter, she tried avoiding him as best she could, but it was no use. He was everywhere.

If she wanted to talk to caspian, Peter was there. If she walked into a crowded room, Peter was there.

Chloe decided to stop trying to avoid the boy, and rather act as though nothing had happened. It seemed Peter was doing the same thing, and that gave Chloe a bit of relief.

Over the week they had scouts nearby in the forest, looking for any Telmarines, and they had a few meetings where Peter and Caspian could barely agree on anything. Chloe was under the impression that Peter didn't like how Caspian was the new leader. Apparently, so was Caspian.

"I'm serious, he looks at me like he wants to rip my head off." Caspian said to Chloe while laughing and sitting in an empty corridor with her.

"Look, I know the feeling, trust me." She started. "But he's been the leader of things for his entire life, and now he's back here, where he is literally High King, and you come in and take his place, I get that he's mad."

"I know, but his anger is blinding him. He hates every idea I have, and is always glaring at me whenever I see him." Caspian said gloomily.

"You'll get used to the glaring." Chloe told him, chuckling a little.

"Maybe he just hates everyone who's a Telmarine." Caspian stated, smiling at Chloe.

She started laughing, and not long after, Caspian did too.

"I love you, Cas." She said, smiling at him from across the corridor.

"I love you too, Chloe." He smiled back.

Suddenly a faun came up to them, breathing heavily.

"I saw them, Your Majesty. A telmarine, right at the edge of the forest." He breathed out to Caspian, while he and Chloe quickly got off the floor.

"Okay, gather everyone, and call for a meeting." Caspian said to the faun, who nodded and left.

"Chloe, find the Pevensies, I'll help him, and meet us at the Stone Table." He said before rushing off, leaving Chloe to herself.

She started walking, and soon reached the boys' room. she knocked and a shirtless Peter opened the door.

"Chloe? What are you doing here?" He asked, looking concerned.

"Uhm.." Chloe stared at Peter's chest and abs. He's kinda fit.

"Chloe?" She looked up to meet Peter's eyes, before looking away again.

"We're meeting Caspian and a lot of others at the Stone Table, shirtly, no, shortly." She said rapidly while avoiding eye contact. "One of our scouts just saw a Telmarine right by the forest." She walked into the room, and dragged a sleeping Edmund up from his bed, waking him up while earning a groan and a few missed punches.

She took a quick look around and saw that the room only had two small beds, a little chest of drawers, and 3 chairs, where the brothers had hung their armor and swords.

"All, right. See you in a minute." Chloe said awkwardly as she left, while the brothers got ready.

She walked a little further down a path from the boys' room, where she approached the door that led to Lucy and Susan's room.

She knocked three times, and both of the sisters stood in front of her when the door opened.

"Hey, Chloe!" The youngest of them said, rushing forward to give her friend a hug.

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