5. "You did"

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Chloe looked across the river of Beruna. There were Telmarines everywhere, either carrying logs down to the water, or using said logs to build a bridge across the river.

Her little group had walked down here, expecting to find empty land they could cross. Instead they were met with hundreds of men building catapults and bridges.

Chloe looked at the others before ducking, when lord Miraz came riding into view nearby.

"Perhaps this wasn't the best way to come after all." Susan said, shaken up from the sight.

Peter took one last glance towards the river, before walking the opposite direction, back to where they came from.

The others followed him, but Chloe stayed behind. She couldn't take her eyes off Lord Miraz.

This man killed my parents, tried to assassinate my best friend, and is now starting a war out of pure spite.

If I ran right now, no one could stop me. If they tried I would cut them down before killing Miraz.

Chloe was really debating wether or not this was a good idea, but was pulled back to reality before coming to a conclusion.

"Chloe, come on." Edmund said, softly pulling on her arm.

She followed the others to the cliff above the river, where she had previously punched the oldest Pevensie.

Peter and Lucy were now looking out on the other side off the cliff.

"So where exactly do you think you saw Aslan?" Peter asked, not believing his sister.

She seemed pretty tired of it. Lucy was sure that she saw Aslan, but was also wondering why no one else did, or why he suddenly disappeared.

"I wish you would all stop trying to sound like grown-ups." She said sternly. "I don't think I saw him. I did see him."

"I am a grown-up" Trumpkin said. Chloe chuckled at this, but tried to hide it as best she could by putting her hand over her mouth and looking down.

She saw Trumpkin looking up at her with a small smile and she lightly kicked his leg.

Lucy walked away from the others, drawing closer and closer to the egde. "It was right over he-"

The ground beneath her suddenly collapsed, and with a scream, she fell down into the river.

Or so the others thought.

As they all ran to the edge, Peter at the front, they saw her standing on a small patch of stone and grass, a few feet below.

Susan quickly hoisted herself down with some help from Peter, then Edmund went, and then Trumpkin.

As Peter was about to offer help to the dark-haired girl in front of him, she quickly said;

"I don't need your help." With that, Chloe grabbed onto a thick branch, and swung herself down onto the small platform.

"You all right up there, Magnificent one?" She asked smugly, before giving him space to come down as well

When Peter got down he walked past Chloe, muttering under his breath. "Bitch."


The hike down was uncomfortably quiet, the silence only broken by low grunts from when a landing was a bit rough.

They climbed over rocks, walked down steep trails, and every once in a while, someone would lightly trip.

Finally they reached the ground, but they all wanted to take a quick stop.

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