13. Secrets

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Chloe knocked on the door to Susan and Lucy's room with a few pink bands in her hand.

The door swung open and a small figure engulfed her in a hug before squealing excitedly once she noticed the pink bands.

Lucy carefully took them from Chloe's hands and dragged the older one inside.

Susan was laying on the bed, staring up at the ceiling with a suspicious smile.

"What are you smiling about?" Chloe asked with a smug expression. She had a feeling she already knew the answer. She had noticed how the girl and Caspian had grown closer.

Susan looked startled as she sat up in the bed, trying to avoid the question by asking how Lucy would like her hair braided.

Chloe parted the girls hair into two halves before collecting small pieces from left and right, starting one of the braids.

"Chloe?" Lucy suddenly asked after a minute of silence. The older hummed in response.

"Can I ask you a question?" She said, looking mischievously at her own sister, who tried to hide her smile.

"Yes, of course," Chloe replied, glancing between the two other girls.

"What's going on between you and Peter?"

Chloe nearly choked on her spit, coughing and laughing nervously as she had not expected that question in the slightest.

"Well..." She started talking. But hen Chloe though about it. They had never talked about their relationship before. They had not agreed to anything as far as she could remember.

"I'm not entirely sure," Chloe answered truthfully. She made a mental note to talk to Peter about it someday, no matter how awkward that would be.

"Why are you asking?" Chloe questioned.

"I heard you slept together," Lucy stated very matter-of-factly, making both of the older girls shout in protests.

"Lucy, where did you even learn that?" Susan asked with a horrified expression.

"What? Edmund told me he slept in your bed!" Lucy explained, making the girls calm down. So that's what she meant.

"Well, yeah. Uhm, he did.." Chloe said hesitantly, exchanging glances with Susan, who looked like she had seen a ghost.

"Did you sleep together?" She mouthed across the room.

As Chloe awkwardly looked away while finishing Lucy's braids, Susan's jaw hung wide open in shock.

"There, you're all done," Chloe smiled at the youngest after finishing her braids.

"Lucy, why don't you go play with someone, maybe Edmund," Susan smiled at her sister as she walked out of the room, giving Chloe a thank-you-hug before leaving.

Susan shot up from her seat on the bed and shut the door.

"You're kidding me!" She said in disbelief.

"You slept together?" She asked again.

"Oh come on, like you're not drooling over my cousin every time you see him!" Chloe defended while throwing her arms up.

"No, I'm not mad, it's just shocking!" Susan said while covering her mouth to hide a laugh.

"So?" She suddenly asked.

"So what?" Chloe answered.

"How was it?" Susan smiled brightly at her.

"Ew, gross! That's your brother, I'm not gonna tell you!" Chloe laughed while leaning backwards against her chair.

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