14. The proposal

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"Shit," Chloe mumbled as she looked at the clearing in front of her.

Thousands of Telmarine soldiers were standing in troops outside of the Narnian's base: Chloe, Caspian and Peter were standing on the ruins, looking out over the huge army.

"Someone told them we were here," Peter said before walking back inside.

The army made no move to approach or stop them, and were probably just placed there as a threat. No matter, they scared everyone. No Narnian dared to go outside of the ruins, afraid of getting attacked.

"We have to figure who it is," Peter said to Chloe and Caspian once they followed him.

"We have been trying, Peter," Cas answered.

"How do you even know there is a mole?" Chloe asked, looking down at the stressed Peter.

He stood up and started pacing, making the other two worried for him.

"Miraz is always one step ahead. No matter what we do."

For weeks they had planned small attacks or ambushes, but somehow, the Lord was always informed and knew their tactics before they were done.


The trio snapped out of their thoughts as Edmund ran up to them with an anxious expression.

"Meeting by the Stone Table!"


The Pevensie siblings, Caspian, Chloe, Trumpkin, Glenstorm, Reepicheep and Badger were gathered around the Stone table amongst a few other warriors of the council.

"You cannot send her into the forest alone!" Trumpkin's voice bellowed as he denied Peter's suggestion.

"Aslan is our only hope!" Peter argued with the dwarf.

"Sending a little girl into the darkest parts of the forest? Alone!?" Trumpkin argued back as he shot the younger boy a glare.

"It's our only chance," Peter said after taking a few deep breaths.

"And she won't be alone," Susan said. She was determined to protect her sister, no matter what she had to do.

"Absolutely not." Trumpkin's voice was stern and final. Yet the younger boy disagreed.

"There is an army out there, waiting for us!" Peter shouted before slamming his fists down on the cracked table. Chloe had noticed this was a habit of his whenever he got angry or frustrated.

Trumpkin made his way over to where Lucy stood, looking up at her with a sad expression.

"Haven't enough of us died already?" He asked. Although it sounded more like a warning braided into a comforting rhythm.

"Nikbrik was my friend too," Badger's voice spoke with kindness.

"But he lost hope..."

Badger took a nervous look around the room, feeling everyone's eyes on him before he spoke again.

"Queen Lucy hasn't, and neither have I."

"For Aslan," Reepicheep whispered before unsheathing his sword and crossing it over his chest, showing a symbol of respect.

The voices around Chloe drained out until she was completely alone with her own thoughts. This happened very often lately, she noticed.

There had to be another way, they could not just sit and wait for old tales to come true in a moment of need. If Aslan really was there, he would have helped them already.

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