6. Reunion

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Her eyes shot open as a hand wrapped around her mouth, muffling her yelp of surprise. Instinct took over her body she kicked up her knee, receiving a groan from her attacker, before she rolled them both over. Swiftly grabbing a dagger from her thigh, she pushed it against his neck.

Peter's wild eyes stared up at her as she withdrew the blade and let out a shaky breath. "Sorry," she muttered and cursed at herself when she noticed his hand on her waist and the fact that she was straddling him.

Chloe pushed herself off as Peter cleared his throat hand sat up. Mortifying wasn't even close to describe how she felt about what had just happened.

"Lucy is gone," he said and she quickly stood. Scanning the area, only still-as-dead trees scattered the land. There was sign of the little girl.

"I'll go look while you wake the others." He stood as well, walking to the edge of the tree line.

"Be careful." She said, receiving a nod, before moving to the others.

"Edmund." She nudged him in the shoulder. "Edmund, come on, wake up!" She said a little louder.

He startled awake, as did his sister, Susan.

"What's wrong?" She asked, looking around.

"Lucy's gone. She probably just went to to take a wee, but we don't want to take any risks. Peter is looking for her right now." At this, Susan and Edmund quickly gathered their things, while Chloe woke up Trumpkin.

He had the same look of worry as the rest, while the group was walking towards where Chloe had seen Peter disappear.

Suddenly, they heard the clashing of swords, from behind a small hill. Chloe broke off into a run, and when she reached the spot where the sound were coming from, she was hit with an odd sight.

Lucy stood behind some bushes, watching Peter having a sword fight with someone, surrounded by minotaurs, dwarfs, centaurs and lots of other creatures. Narnian creatures.

She went to rush over to check on Lucy, but the finally clear sight of who Peter was fighting stopped her in her tracks.

With the dark, shoulder-length hair, the tan skin, and his familiar way with the sword, there was no mistaking who he was.

"Peter, stop!" She shouted and ran towards the young men.

Locking eyes with Caspian, all she could do was smile and ignore everyone else.

"Chloe." He sounded out of breath in disbelief, but rushed over to her anyways.

He engulfed the girl in a hug so tight that she could barely breathe. But it didn't matter. Caspian was alive, and she was holding just as tightly.

"I thought you were dead." She whispered, with tears in her eyes.

"Clearly, I'm not." He said, making Chloe chuckle a little. "I missed you."

"I didn't know if I would ever see you again," she whispered as tears rolled down her face. He was alive.

"It's okay," he cooed while holding her head and stroking her hair softly. A quiet laugh escaped him, which only made her crush him tighter.

"So this is Caspian." Their moment was interrupted by Peter, who had realized he was fighting Chloe's best friend.

Chloe turned to look at him, and saw that his siblings, and Trumpkin, had arrived at the scene as well

"Cas, this is Peter, and those three are his brother and sisters, Edmund, Susan and Lucy." She said, motioning to each of them before looking up at Caspian again. She didn't know how he was going to react.

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