4. Anger issues

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After rowing a little while, Chloe switched seats with Peter, and made small talk with Edmund for the rest of the ride, ignoring Peter's glares.

Pulling the boat to shore, Chloe noticed that Lucy had wandered off.

She looked around, and saw her approach a bear a little further down the beach.

"Hello there!" She shouted to it, acting as if the bear would talk back.

"Oh no." Chloe muttered under her breath. She got her dagger ready, and cautiously walked towards Lucy.

"It's alright! We're friends."  Lucy tried calling once again. The bear seemed to have taken an interest in the young Queen, for it seemed ready to charge at any moment.

The others seemed to have taken notice of the situation as well, for Trumpkin suddenly yelled.

"Don't move, Your Majesty."

Lucy turned around to face the others, but as she did so, the bear started running towards her. Chloe immediately ran forward, gripping her dagger tightly.

"No, Chloe!" She heard Edmund shout from behind her. Chloe didn't stop. She knew if she jumped from a specific log lying on the sand at the right time, and angle herself and the dagger correctly, she could slash open the bears throat.

Although the bear seemed far away, it looked closer to the log than Chloe. She had to improvise.

She sped up and right before the bear could reach her, she dropped down onto the sand, put her right hand up and sliced it's chest open instead.

But it seemed to work. The bear was laying dead on the coarse sand, with it's claws out and teeth bared. 

"Why wouldn't he stop?" Susan's voice spoke from behind Chloe.

She turned around and saw that Susan had drawn an arrow, but didn't shoot. She was clearly thinking the same thing about the bear as Lucy had.

"I suspect he was hungry." Trumpkin said.

"He was wild." Edmund stated.

"I don't think he could talk at all." Peter said, all of the sibling looking a little shaken up.

"Get treated like a dumb animal long enough, and that's what you become." Trumpkin said, as he kicked the bear a little, to make sure he was really dead. "You may find Narnia a more savage place than you remember."

As Chloe walked over to the four siblings, all of them except the oldest engulfed her in a hug.

"Thank you, Chloe" Lucy said, her voicing shaking from the shock of the attack.

"Thank you for saving her, but that was a stupid thing to do, risking your life like that." Edmund told her. He was starting to care for the girl.

"Oh please, if only you knew about the things I did back at the castle." She responded, thinking back to the times she would illegally sneak out with Caspian.

As they started their walk through the woods, Edmund, Lucy and Susan all began asking questions about Chloe's life.

She told them all about how her and her best friend, Caspian would sneak off, and sometimes they would have tea with his professor.

When Edmund asked about her parents, she just said she couldn't remember, but they were dead. That's a lie. But she didn't want to ruin the good conversation they were having.

Chloe told the rest of the group about how she was planning on walking with them until she found Caspian. And the youngest Pevensie became sad about this.

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