9. A new truth

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Chloe felt extremely nervous when the night she had dreaded finally crept up on her. They were going to attack the Castle.

The past few days consisted of planning, arguing and discussing with the Pevensies, Caspian, General of the Narnian troops and everyone else who attended any meetings.

The plan was simple, really. Caspian and Chloe helped in any way they could, giving information on castle grounds, and how the Telmarine troops worked and patrolled.

Even though the plan seemed great, Chloe was still really worried that they had underestimated Lord Miraz.

But her doubts didn't stop the coming night from rolling in, and so they got ready to act.

When darkness consumed the forests and horizons, Edmund was flown by a griffin to the tallest watchtower. Peter, Susan, Chloe, Caspian and Trumpkin all waited for his signal, the flashing of his torch, before flying in after him.

They soared through the air, being help up only by a pair of paws from above, while attacking guards on patrols, before rising into the air again.

Chloe found the crisp air in her face working almost like an enchantment, clearing her head of worries. Flying around like this, was surely something she wanted to do again, under different circumstances, of course.

To her left, Chloe could see Peter pointing his sword at the walkway on top of one of the curtain walls, signaling that they were being dropped there.

The griffins' altitude dropped, and the five fighters jumped from their grip, and landed on the walkway.

Chloe stumbled forward, and fell right on top of Trumpkin who seemed rather annoyed by her clumsiness.

"Oops, sorry." She whispered, laughing a little.

He quickly pushed her off before muttering a low "Children." and walked towards the steep edge of the way.

Caspian pulled a long rope out from a small bag he brought, and tied it securely to a pole with help from Peter.

One by one, the group of five lowered themselves down the rope and onto a small platform outside a window.

Peter and Caspian went first, and Peter signaled for Chloe to climb down while Caspian carefully knocked on the glass.

"Professor?" He whispered. There was no reply.

Chloe was all the way down the rope when Caspian pried the window open.

The three of them climbed inside the room, before noticing it was completely thrashed. The desk was turned upside down, books lay scattered on the floor, and multiple of the light poles had fell.

Susan and Trumpkin climbed through the window, walking towards the other three.

"I have to find him." Caspian's said, holding up his professor's glasses.

Peter scoffed. "You don't have time. You have to get the gate open." He said.

"You wouldn't even be here without him!" Caspian whisper-shouted back.

"And neither would I." He said somberly.

Peter looked towards his sister, silently asking for advice.

"The three of us can deal with Miraz." She answered, motioning to her, Chloe and Peter.

"And I can still get to the gate in time." Caspian pursued.

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