12. Growing old

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Chloe was laying in her simple bed, just relaxing, when a harsh knock startled her enough so that she fell out.

Peter and Caspian suddenly barged in and slammed the door behind them, a little confused as to why the girl was on the floor.

"What the fuck, guys?" She groaned as she stood up. "Are you trying to give a heart attack? Or maybe breaking my door into splinters?" She scolded them slightly, annoyed that they disturbed her peace like this.

"Look, there's something we have to talk about. Just the three of us," Peter said while sitting down in one of the chairs in the room. The girl hadn't noticed until now, that Peter's hair was incredibly messy and hung over his eyes lazily. She thought it was quite cute. 

Chloe and Caspian exchanged questioning glances at Peter's words, both confused by the secretive attitude he held.

The two cousins had barely talked since Caspian had tried to bring back the White Witch, so there was a slight awkwardness in the air as Peter regained the attention.

"Someone's ratting us out," He said, while dragging a hand over his face.

"What?" Chloe's eyes widened as she dragged the other chair to where she was before sitting down.

"Someone's been telling Miraz everything.  Our plans, our battle strategies and everyone involved with planning," Peter said while fighting his rage.

"Do you know who?" Caspian asked. His face and voice was laced with concern, as were the others.

Peter slammed his fist down on the table in anger, shaking his head aggressively.

"Shit," Chloe whispered. She was anxious of the situation, yet something about Peter's anger and the way he channeled it made him oddly attractive.

This is not the right time, Chloe.

"You two are the only ones I truly trust. Out of the war council, I mean." Caspian looked up at the blonde boy's words. The two had never been very good friends, so Caspian felt respected by Peters choice of advisers.

"I needed to tell someone, I could not dwell on this alone," Peter confessed, looking apprehensively at the others.

"I don't want to discuss this now, but I think we should all be careful who to trust, and keep our eyes open," Peter said as he stood up to leave.

Caspian stood up to leave as well and nodded to them both before exiting. But before the blonde boy reached the door, Chloe had grabbed Peter's arm and tugged on it slightly.

"Wait here, alright?" She asked him with a soft yet nervous smile, and walked out of the door when Peter nodded with a smirk.

Chloe closed the door behind her, trapping Peter in her room, as she called out for Caspian down the hallway.

When he turned around, Chloe quickly attacked him in a hug which he instantly returned.

"I'm so sorry, Caspian. I shouldn't have stayed so mad for this long," she mumbled into his shoulder as he chuckled lovingly.

"It's okay. I was being stupid, you had every right." He smiled at her, just happy that they were finally talking again.

"No, no, I shouldn't have gotten that mad." She said while shaking her head.

"I mean you were stupid, but I overreacted." Chloe said with a laugh, and the boy chuckled as well.

"It's okay. I mean it." He said before hugging her once again.

"I'm still your best friend, right?" He muttered into her shoulder before pulling away to look at her.

"Yes, of course." She smiled at him before they separated, each of them walking their own way.

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