11. Swimming in ice

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Chloe was lying in her bed, staring up at the ceiling.

Today, she would go out into the woods with Peter, learning how to swim.

When Peter knocked on the door, Chloe happily opened it for him.

"Ready to go?"

The two of them made their way through the passages in the fort, and out to the woods.

Because of how early it was, the two of them were the only ones who could be spotted in the old forest.

"I was out here yesterday, with Ed. We were looking for a pond or a small lake not so far into the woods, and we found one that's perfect." Peter said, smiling brightly down at the girl next to him.

"Was it cold? The water, I mean." She asked, feeling slightly nervous.

"A little, but you'll manage." He laughed.

"It's just through here." Peter said, pointing to some trees close by.

Walking past them, Chloe found herself standing in a beautiful part of the forest, with the trees around, so close together that it was enclosed.

In the middle of the little clearing was a giant waterhole with bright clear water. On one side, great big stones were placed, that created a magic-like waterfall. Sorruounding the waterhole, were hundreds of flowers and bushes. On some of these bushes, berries could be found, and even some of the trees around had fruits.

"Oh my god." Chloe whispered, taking in the scenery.

"It's beautiful." She said, turning to a chuckling Peter.

"Here, try one of these." He said, grabbing her hand and dragging her along to one of the bushes.

Chloe watched as Peter plucked a few berries and threw them in his mouth, before she did the same.

Instantly, she started laughing due to the exitement.

"They're so sweeet! What are they?" She asked, before stuffing her mouth with more berries.

"I have no idea!" He laughed, admiring Chloe.

She was acting like a little child on Christmas, and it was adorable. The way her face had lit up multiple times just on this short trip made Peter's heart feel warm.

As Chloe turned around to him again, he noticed she had managed to smugde some of the berries along her cheek, and couldn't contain his laughter.

"What is it?" She asked, looking weirdly at him.

"You have a little somehing on your cheek."

"Oh." she wiped her cheek with her hand, but missed the spot.

"Here, let me." Peter stepped closer, and brought his hand up to her face.

He wiped his thumb over the mark several times before it came off, making sure to take in every detail in Chloe's face as he did so. She really is beautiful, he thought.

Chloe, however, only looked at Peter's eyes, sparkling in the soft sunlight that hit his face.

"Ok, come on." Peter said, interrupting the small moment.

They walked over to the shallow end of the pond as Chloe mentally prepared herself.

They took off their shoes, and most of their clothing until they were both wearing only shirts.

An awkward tension filled the air, as the pair looked in every other direction than each other's.

Ok, you can do this, Chloe told herself repeatedly as she stepped into the water.

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