16. The duel

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"Destrier has always served me well," Caspian's voice echoed off the walls in the darkly lit cave as he made a few final adjustments to his horse's saddle.

Susan and Lucy were seated firmly, both of their heartbeats quickening by the minute.

"You are in good hands," Chloe smiled at the young girl, recognizing her fear. Though she would never admit it, the Telmarine girl was frightened as well, for the Narnians and her loved ones.

"Or hooves," Lucy joked, trying to lighten the mood. The others threw her a few quick smiles but the atmosphere was tense.

Caspian hesitated before placing his hand on top of Susan's on the reins. "Good luck," he whispered, yet the silence around him made his voice sound normal.

"Thanks." Susan smiled back to him and looked at the girl next to him.

"Be careful, you two."

They smiled in response when Caspian started plucking at something by his belt.

"Here, maybe its time you had this back," he said and looked at Susan. In his hand was a beige horn, with lion carvings and gold details. Despite the years wearing it down, the gold shone in the light of the few torches around.

"Why don't you hold onto it. You might need to call me again." Susan smirked before taking off, leaving the cousins to themselves.

"Don't say anything," Caspian said curtly before they walked off, pointing the horn at Chloe as she smirked.


Chloe watched the entrance to the fort with a nervous lip bite, surrounded by hundreds of cheering Narnians and Telmarines when she finally saw them.

Peter and Edmund Pevensie walked side by side with anxious expressions as the roaring grew louder.

Peter felt more nauseous with each step he took, but at the end of the line, his girl was waiting for him with a hesitant smile. That made him feel significantly better.

Glenstorm nodded to the oldest brother, who immediately reached out to wrap his arms around Chloe.

"Kill him," She whispered in his ear, and received a nod when they pulled away.

Peter drew his sword, nervously eyeing Miraz as the cheering got even louder.

The usurper placed on his golden helmet, decorated with face-like features, before grabbing his shield and sword.

Chloe crossed her arms over her chest when her father spoke through his helmet. "There is still time to surrender."

"Well, feel free," Peter shot back and watched as the man shook his head.

"How many more must die for the throne?" He asked.

"Just one." Peter pulled down his helmet and charged at Miraz, pushing off from a broken column to attack from above.

Their swords clashed as the whole clearing let out war cries, the two men in center circling each other before running at each other again.

They hit and blocked each other with swords and shields, pushing each other to falling when Peter managed to strike Miraz across the back. He groaned in pain before fighting back and forth with Peter, suddenly managing to knock his helmet off with his shield.

Peter swiftly leaned back then, narrowly avoiding a slash from Miraz' sword. He bent down on one knee and cut the man on his thigh.

Peter rolled on the ground and got up, desperately trying to avoid Miraz' sword when Miraz pushed him to the ground.

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