15. Traitor

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Chloe carefully left the fort, making sure that no one followed her. Then, she silently ran across the clearings that separated the Narnians and the Telmarines.

When she reached the tree-line, she immediately felt a hand around her mouth as someone tied her hands together behind her back.

Trashing and kicking everywhere she could, Chloe screamed at the top of her lungs. But it was no use. Her cry was muffled by the hand clasped around her mouth when the two people dragged her away.

The darkness swallowed the horizon, making it impossible for her to recognize her kidnappers, but soon she was thrown to the ground in a dimly lit tent.

She frantically looked around the tent, trying her best to free herself of the right rope behind her back.

Her heavy breaths were drowned out by a familiar, loathing voice.

"You came," Miraz said as he stepped in front of the girl in front of him.

Chloe felt a pair of hands under her arms as they lifted her up and placed her firmly with her knees on the ground, before they tightened, locking her in place.

"Why the fuck are you kidnapping me?" She asked after catching her breath. He smiled at this.

"Well, I couldn't risk you running around my camp freely, could I?"

"You could have set it on fire or something," he said with a sly smile, making Chloe regret her decision of coming.

"That's the best idea you've ever had, actually." Chloe smiled at her father as his smile dropped.

"You dare talk to your father that way?"

Chloe rolled her eyes and scoffed. "Cut the shit, you don't deserve that title. You only ever cared about your god damn royalty!"

"I am the King!" Miraz shouted, spit seething out from behind his teeth in anger.

"Yet another title you don't deserve!" Chloe shouted back. Never had she argued with him like this, throwing such nasty things at each other as now.

He rushed to her and didn't hesitate to strike her across the face before he stepped back again, leaving her to push back tears while he paced in anger.

"Do you feel like a man now?" Chloe yelled at him. The right side of her face steadily reddened as she watched the man in front of her.

"Like a king? Do you feel like a king when you're hitting a girl who can't fight back?"

Chloe lowered her voice and laughed. "The only thing you have ever cared about is yourself and how high up the ranks you can get with the least amount of effort. You murdered your own brother for the crown, and didn't hesitate to go for his son when you saw the opening."

"And you still can't comprehend how unbelievably cruel your actions are. Only when my sword is at your neck after I have killed your entire army, only then will you realize that you did it all for nothing."

"Quiet!" His voice roared with built up anger. Who knew that a bastard could cause so much trouble?

He clenched his jaw tightly before turning to his guards.

"Leave us!" Miraz shouted, and they all left with a quick nod.

The usurper started pacing back and forth, before he left the tent.

When the remaining guard who was holding Chloe moved slightly to reposition them, she immediately recognized the blonde boy.

"Thomas?" She asked with a chuckle.

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