3. Uncomfortable boat ride

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"You're joking." Chloe stated, not really knowing how to react. "Are you the Pevensies? The Kings and Queens of Old?" She asked, totally shocked of this discovery.

"You've got to be kidding me" The dwarf said, not knowing how to act either.

Peter reached out his hand to Chloe for her to shake.

"High King Peter, the Magnificent." Chloe exchanged glances with the dwarf, both of them trying not to laugh as she shook Peter's hand. They were both glaring lightly at each other.

"You probably could've left off that last bit." Susan said, struggling not to laugh aswell.

"Probably." The dwarf said, chuckling.

"You might be surprised." Peter responded as he drew his sword and looked at the dwarf.

"Oh you don't want to do that, boy." He said confidently but in a warily tone, as if slightly afraid that Peter would swing at him at any moment.

"Not me, him." Peter spoke while motioning to his younger brother.

Peter gave his sword to the dwarf, as Edmund drew his.

"Is this a good idea?" Chloe whispered to Susan, who only answered with a confusing movement of her head.

The sword seemed to be a little to heavy for the dwarf, and just as Chloe was about to stop this silly little fight, he swung at Edmund, who was looking smugly at his brother.

This caught Edmund off guard. Made him vulnerable for an attack. He stepped back a little. Ducked quickly when the dwarf swung again, but got an elbow to the face before standing up. He grunted while Lucy called out for her brother.


"Oh, are you alright?" Edmund's opponent asked sarcastically before swinging his sword once again.

The brunette easily swerved away. He knocked the hilt of his sword into the dwarf's back, as the dwarf stumbled forward.

Chloe was watching intensely. She noticed that the way Edmund handled the sword, and fought with it, we're not the same as Chloe's or the other Telmarine soldiers' way.

The dwarf seemed pretty annoyed at this point, and charged at Edmund, but with no luck. Edmund easily averted and moved away from the attacks.

After clashing their swords a little more, Edmund swung the dwarf's sword out of his hands, and pointed his own sword at the shorter man.

"Beards and bedsteads!" He said while taking deep breaths, clearly exhausted and also surprised.

"Maybe that horn worked after all." He continued.

"What horn?" Susan curiously voiced.


After the dwarf, whose name they had learned was Trumpkin, explained everything that had happened a few nights back to everyone, filled Susan in on how Caspian blew the horn, and told Chloe all about how they had met Caspian when he was riding from the soldiers, they managed to get the boat off land, and were all now sitting in it. Peter in the middle, rowing, Edmund and Chloe in the back, Susan and Lucy in front of Peter, and Trumpkin in the very front.

The uncomfortable silence was broken by Lucy, who had a sad expression on her face.

"They're so still" She said, looking up at the trees.

Trumpkin and Chloe exchanged questioning glances before Chloe said.

"They're trees. What'd you expect?"

Lucy turned around with a small smile.

"They used to dance." She said. Lucy was picturing in her mind how the trees would sway with the wind, with every breeze there would be pink leafs forming dancing creatures around her.

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