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Music Companion : Brooklyn Baby by Lana Del Rey

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Music Companion : Brooklyn Baby by Lana Del Rey

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The man entered the classroom and a wave of gasps wavered around the room.

He was dressed in an ivory white dress shirt, collar buttons opened and exposing a large fraction of his detailed collarbones and chest skin, tucked inside his tight black pants, making his bulky thighs look thick and delicious. His hair had a clean-cut, some strands falling on his shiny forehead and enhancing his appeal.

Just don't be rude, Y/n. You don't want another teacher coming for you. One fuckup is already enough for the day.

My eyes subconsciously roamed around his tall, robust body before landing on his glossy, plump lower lip which he was biting under his white teeth. Intimidating, pointed eyes confidently darted on me.

I bit my lip in complete astonishment, gulping down but staring back with confidence. This was not right, I was having an insane rush of emotions by just watching him exist.

"Tina wasn't lying..." I heeded Seulgi mutter and I couldn't help but nod along. I didn't realize when but the principal was out already as the very handsome man was now smiling at us.

"Good morning class, I'm Jeon Jungkook, you can call me Mr. Jeon or whatever you'd like. I'm 28 years old but I'd rather be your friend as well as a mentor. I'll be more than happy to guide you through the wonderful journey of mathematics and help you develop your interests." If his appearance wasn't fatal enough, I was left completely stricken by his deep and stern voice, mixed with sweetness and gentleness.

Even though it was childish, every student stood up one by one, introducing themselves but also listing their hobbies out giddily to him. My heartbeat rose in anticipation as I stood up, relishing his sharp, beautiful eyes on me but struggling to come up with something kinder than the last time I opened my stupid mouth.

"I'm Park Y/n, I like to study, read, and sleep." I let out a sigh as my words came out faster than I had rehearsed in my mind. Hope he isn't offended by the idea of having sleep in your list of hobbies.

"What kind of books do you like to read?" I felt myself getting a little nervous when the sudden question arose.


"Uhm, Jane Austen?" I blurted out the first author who crossed my mind when Mr. Jeon's perfect brow arched, alluring eyes making me feel some kind of weird way.

He loosened his shirt a bit more, revealing more of his perfect milky neck, exhibiting traces of his veins that were protruding out. His legs slightly spread apart and the dress shirt tightly hugged his tough build, giving me a little idea of what might be under the cloth.

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