Iraq II

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Day breaks and Samar's eyes are closed, holding Riff.

He wakes to see a Beautiful Persian woman holding him. Caressing her face, her body hunched over. Her face was not far from his. Riff leans into kisses her, having their lips touch, tongues sliding around each other. Riff closed the kiss with a lite suction of Samar's bottom lip.

Opening her eyes with such delight. Samar smiles, "You could have waited till I was awake".

"Then where would the fun be in that". Riff says smoothly.

Looking at Samar and feeling both Amanda and Calliope in her, more Calliope than Amanda. "What did I do? That was so wrong, to deserve this. As time goes on and I get closer to the top. I'm losing hold of things". Riff's face turns to sadness.

Samar is deeply saddened, and a tear falls, unable to give him the clarity he needs to understand why everything is happening. "You feel, what you're feeling for a reason. Don't dwell on any of it, because you're getting closer to the truth. To an understanding ".

Riff gets up while holding Samar's hand. Samar was surprised he didn't tell her about his dream. Walks outside of the building.

Looks around to see he's still in Iraq. Walks over to another building about five miles out.

Samar continues to travel with him. Baffled by how he knows to come to this particular location. Riff stands in front of the door of a building. Kicks open the door to walk into a room with low visibility.

As he's walking into the room, sees men surrounding the building ready. Being shoulder to shoulder looking at him. As if they appeared to look as being part of a wall.

Riff continues in, leaving Samar behind. Samar is thinking to herself, ("What the hell")? And runs right behind Riff to see a bunch of men surrounding them both.

Riff's carelessness about the situation continues down to the next door. Where a man is blocking entry, needing to get through. Riff then counts to three, "One, Two, Three".

The man in front of the door laughs. Riff states, "That wasn't supposed to work here". The man continued laughing, but then stopped.

Samar moves back, opening her hand. A glow of light starts forming from her palm. Riff slowly lifts his hand, having his back in her direction. With his pointer out, waving no. Samar confused. Stops what she was about to do. Interlocking her hands in front of her waist.

While Riff clenches his fists. "My turn". Blading his body. Taking a glance at Samar then back to the man. Riff takes his hand, and lunges forward. Grabbing the man by the genitals and twisted till he heard a cracking sound. Having the tall man sizeably built man, on the floor passed out. Samar shakes her, ("Damn I knew that wasn't going to end well"). As she follows behind Riff.

Riff walks through the door, to be surrounded by complete darkness. Samar was right next to him. Holding his hand. They stand covered in darkness. The woman he saw when he was with the kids. The voice in the darkness speaks, "So now you're here. What's your question? Why am I so important to see or hear from"?

To be continued

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