Where Do We Go From Here?

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Red stands there and smiles. "This reminds me of a time when I was in a great battle. A battle that's not too far off, but a battle nonetheless. So as I was fighting I suffered from a terrible concussion. A Concussion that required so much time to heal. It was damn near ridiculous how long the recovery was. My goodness damn near half a century wouldn't have cut it. But I was healing, going through the emotional roller coaster of an angel. Currently, the one you're dealing with is helping me. Only as a caring friend and I know from that moment everything would be different. That glimmer of kindness meant. Showed me compassion wasn't lost. You, my friend you, you, you have been lost longer than any being has ever been. So the question is what do you do"?

All Riff can do is stand in amazement. For one Red is here. Or what's supposed to be?
Riff walks around him with a hard look into his soul. But doesn't find anything to prove otherwise.

Red makes a smacking noise with his mouth and claps his hands. "So what are we here to do? Look at what you are doing right now and ask yourself. Would any normal being be able to do what you've done in such depth and accuracy? Damn near close to perfection your process of observation. Do you think anyone could do so"?

Riff feeling a bit frustrated looks down and gradually looks up. "Another character of mine. Wow, why don't I get the truth"?

Red does his laughs and smiles while placing his hands behind his back intertwining his fingers. " I have, you just haven't been listening. Marcellus's right when he says you lie to yourself. Why? Only God knows why. By the time you wake up. Man will probably have created several colonies on 5 different plants. So as for yourself why am I here"?

Angrily, "I have, what do you think I've been fighting to do"?

Red looks at Riff with doubt. Not quite believing what he's saying or doing.

Red straightened his posture, looking Riff straight into his eyes. "I'm not here to play games or be anyone's cheerleader. What I'm here to do is wake you up. It so happens that your assistance is required and we're going through this emotional torture".

Seraphina appears, happy to find Riff. She gives him a hug and a kiss. Turns around and sees Red. Seraphina's jaw dropped. "Br...... Brash are we. I thought I had more time".

Red smiles, "Don't you think you've been given enough time? That's why I stay to myself. Enjoying my own company. It keeps me in the clear of what may come. You are higher on the lines of the Hierarchy. You are definitely on top". Red walks in close to Seraphina. "Who's really on top now?

Riff wakes up confused about what just happened. He looks around. Sees no one's around, so he continues out.

Seraphina is with Riff, it's just she's not making herself visible to Riff. But he feels her aura covering him. As if they were making love. Riff feels a breeze come to him, and at a point, it stops. He puts out his hand at about shoulder level to feel a face. Which gradually comes into sight.

Moves his hand far enough behind her head, where the tips of his fingers can have enough to grip and pull her towards him gently. Now being face to face Riff utters. "Why did you leave me"? His face approaches hers as he gently pulls her in his direction.

Lips touch and they kiss passionately. Stopping to gently suck on her bottom lip. To get back to tongues messaging each other. Kissing taking in and out each other's breathing. As if they were breathing through one another.

She grabbed his back for him to continue. Riff gently holds her in a warm embrace, still, they make out. Until Riffs' hand goes from her face. Sliding down her neck having the back of his fingers just below the neck enough to just feel her skin.

Seraphina grabs his face with tears in her eyes, "Please remember"... Riff's eyes become a bit tight. "Remember what"?

Seraphina pushes him back. "What you've done. Here's a clue, just remember back when I first came into the picture. Then you may".

She disappears and Marcellus appears. "Yeah Iraq, you have more control than I thought you had. The crazy part is all this is by a sense of feeling and emotion".

Riff is lost in the sauce of what Marcellus may be talking about. Stops to think about what Seraphina is talking about. " Iraq".

Marcellus' smiled, "Believe it or not, we're at a point of no return.

It's either you're on point or you're out of luck. Put on your big boy pants or fall".

Riff yells, but nothing comes out. Darkness falls upon him. A voice speaks out to be of Michael, " My patience is wearing thin".

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