True Grounds

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Riff's tremors are monstrous. A Darkness covered him up whole. Samar runs over, trying to break him out of this dark casing, but is unsuccessful in the attempts. Samar looks at to voice in the darkness. But well known to Samar as Death or known as Dabria The Angel Of Death.

Though Samar is ready to snatch Dabria by the neck. She feels someone nearby. Lurking in the shadows. Presence not of good or bad, but of a punisher in nature. Dabria can't understand what Samar is looking for. For she doesn't feel what Samar is feeling.

Samar walks along the wall in the room. Feeling for a strong difference in the atmosphere. As she continues walking. His presence becomes stronger and a bit overwhelming. She stops gliding her hand along the wall and comes to the very corner of the room. "Well Samael are you going to show yourself. Or shall I pull you into existence".

Laughter in the shadows comes too. Making himself visible before Samara's eyes. Speaking with a western drawl in conjunction with an English accent, "You know you're getting too enveloped in this. Have you fallen in love with the homosapien? My dear this can go either way and you know it. Dear old dad and his lessons. You would be a pawn in the way. Why does it to yourself"?

Samar lets out a scream. With a fit of anger in her tone. Walking into Samael's space "This coming from someone who was cast out. For their selfish endeavors. So forgive me if I could care less for what the hell you have to say".

Dabria walks in between the both of them. "I don't know what's your deal for being here Samael. But what's to happen now? Why is this man omitting such energy"?

The pod that Riff is in, starts rattling. The three of them just look at the pod. As the pod is bouncing around on the ground. It stops moving, and movement is seen within the black pod. A stream of white light beams out from the center. Spitting light along the lengthy part of the pod. The light cuts out and sprouts from the pod.

Samar starts walking slowly. Samael just shakes his head and looks to the sky. Samael drops the room in complete darkness. For Samar did not see how disturbing Riff was to look as he came out of the pod.

Samael sends Riff to one area to play out his mental cage. While having the other two with him.

Riftons awakes angrily, his anger being so dreadful, that his mind goes into shock causing a massive surge of energy throughout his entire body.

Now placed in a catatonic state. He sees himself laying in a hospital bed. Where Calliope is sitting at his bedside. Riff looks confused. Not understanding what he's observing. Calls out hey, just to get no response. Calliope gets up hearing Amanda yelling at the docs. Calliope quickly leaves the room. Disappearing in the crowded hallway of people in the hospital.

Riff just calmly looks around to hear a voice laughing. "You still don't understand".

Riff breaks free of his catatonic state and yells in frustration. "What don't I understand"?

The voice chuckles, "You can end all this but you choose not to. I don't get it, why? For as smart as you are. Don't you realize you're dying".

Riff figures out the English accent and yells out, "Elijah show yourself."

Elijah impressed, walks out in the clear of day. As if he is appearing from behind an invisible wall. "So do you see"?

"See what"? Riff just stares at ELIJAH IN CONFUSION.

"No, no, no, no, nooooo. I'm the biggest clue. You called me out and you ask. See what? I will not believe you are that stupid".

Klaus Mikaelson appears from behind Riff's bed. Riff was surprised at Klaus appearing the way he did. Walking ever so quickly, displaying anger towards Elijah. "Brother he's not ready. You pushing too hard, it's going to make things worse".

Elijah screams at Klaus, "How much worse? If I'm frustrated so is he. We need to stop babying him and give him the truth".

The Mikaelson looks around the hospital room to see the room fall into a dim and decrepit cave-like scenery. Elijah is in shock and Klaus is angry, "You say I'm the hot head one and I told you to stop. Now look at what you've done".

Elijah shakes his head, "He's going to realize one way or the other what's true. His mind can handle it. So let happen, what's supposed to happen. So this all can end".

"But at what cost? His life is at risk". Klaus looks at Elijah with discontent.

Elijah with a sick smile. Places his hand on his shoulder in amusement at the circumstance. "Well brother, what's with the attachment"?

Klaus takes his hand brushing Elijah's hand off his shoulder. "You must have forgotten, dear brother. If you do not remember. Wasn't the reason things were turning wrong for our family, was it because you let your emotions dictate your actions? Bringing more harm upon our family than good. Yet you choose to place this child's life in danger, for what? To appease the great Elijah in his willingness to protect. But really, who are you really protecting"?

Elijah fades into the background. As he fades he speaks out to Riff, "Dear boy, you need to wake up. Fighting that fight requires a sound mind. A mind fragmented lays quake to the overall picture".

To be continued

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