When do we get answers?

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This face brought back memories. The man smiling. "So when do you know me not to have your back? I told you when we were kids. Always and forever". The man laughs quoting the famous Mickelson family"

Riff, pissed as all hell. Holsters his weapon and punches the man in the face. "Are you fucking crazy? Why the fuck didn't you identify yourself?

Princess runs up to Riff with Max. Princess blurts out, "If he had done anything. You would have killed him, to protect us. Don't be mad at him. Please".

The man, Ranco. His childhood friend smiles. "The young lady is right. You were already on that serve and protect shit".

Rancho cleared his throat, "Might I add, a little man over there? He was ready to put holes in the fourth guy, that was creeping behind you. I thought it was nice how he called you after I intercepted his actions. Especially when he wasn't able to make a sound before my arrival".

Riff hugs the kids. Shakes his head, "You will always be a smug asshole". They slightly laugh at the situation.

A car driving by with a bright white lighting bolt on the car door. Riff looks at it and shakes his head. Remembers Ben telling him to get it when he could. All of a sudden a floodgate of memories surges through him. His eyes, shoot out with a bright white light that is his eyes. That soon dims down to its proper eye color.

Ranco laughs, "This is great. You are on track now".

Riff gently shakes his head and looks at Ranco uncertain of what is happening to him.

The kids run to Riff. He tells the kids to calm down. They do so also peacefully. Looking into the kids' eyes. He saw the fear that was present. Left them just as quickly. Having him to circum to another memory of Ben. "In this world, you have to follow your instincts".

Riff shakes his head and nods. "Let's go".

Ranco gets up and stops Riff. "Do you know where to go?

Riff continues walking with the kids to the car. "No, but we'll find out".

They all jump into the car. Riff just sat there, thinking to himself, "Where am I going? What am I to do? It has something to do with these kids. But where do I pursue"?

As they're driving. Mikey in the back seat taps Riff on the shoulder and points left. He looks over to see an older woman about 40 years of age. He stops the car, gets out of the vehicle, and walks to the woman.

She appears to be shocked but unfrightened. "So child what seems to be the problem"?

"You are all seeing". Riff stated with a smudged look. "I've been through a lot. I've learned quite a bit. You milady not who you will claim to be".

"Well my young sir, my name is Camille. Who are you child to question me"?

Riff says nothing, for he just analyzes her. Feeling her out. Quite figuratively. Calmly walking in and out of her safe zone. Just walking around near and far.

Riff picks up her hand. Camille smiles, "Well young sir, so do you believe?"

He smirks, "To be honest, no".

Camille draws back in shock. "Okay"?

He walks around to have a better feel of the older woman. "You see you are not completely human".

"Child has delusions of grandeur proceed you". Camille says with such calm bravado.

"No sweetheart". Riff smiling. With a tear coming from his face. "You're a combination of everyone here. You are of Calliope and someone else. It's just the someone else I can't place my finger on".

Camille looks at him. Wanting to share more. But can't due to consequences that lie before him. The other entity leaves and the one called Camille is present.

"So I'm knowledgeable about quite a bit. But have yet to have control of myself as I thought I would".

Riff smirks, "It could always be worse".

A woman walks by them. Stops look back slightly and continue walking. As she walks, darkness about her he can't shake. A shadowy silhouette of her body. Having Riff recognize her ora. She continues walking about a block away. Stops again and lifts her hand. Telepathically, "Fear shouldn't stop you". To then continue walking.

Riff finally understands who she is, "The Voice In The Darkness".

To be continued

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