Part 2

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Next day...
Baicao gets ready and leaves for fang mansion. After a while she reached their and knocked the door. Ting yi opened the door.

Ting yi (happily) : finally you came.

Baicao (smiling) : yeah senior ting yi.

Ting yi : ohh... You are annoying.

Baicao : What happened??

Ting yi : baicao you still calling me senior.

Baicao : oops... Sorry.

Ting yi : it's okay. Now come in.

Baicao : yeah.

She went inside.

Ting yi (smiling) : today I'm so happy baicao.

Baicao (smiling) : yeah after all senior ting hao is coming back.

Ting yi (sadly) : no he isn't coming back.

Baicao : What?? Why??

Ting yi : he is just coming for one month. Then he again go back to that hall.

Baicao : don't be sad. One day senior ting hao will surely come back to you.

Ting yi (happily) : really??

Baicao : yeah. BTW I have to go for practice.

Ting yi : what?? But this soon...

Baicao : hmm... If I get late then coach will surely punish me.

Ting yi : Okay then you have to come tomorrow.

Baicao : What?? But senior ting hao....

Ting yi : brother will not think anything. He will get happy to see you.

Baicao (hesitating) : o.. okay.... Bye.

She went from there.
At song Bai...
Baicao was kicking on the punching bag. Then Xiaoying came near her.

Xiaoying : what happened baicao?? Why are you looking worried??

Baicao : nothing. I'm just thinking about senior ting hao.

Xiaoying : Why are you thinking about him??

Baicao : Actually... He is coming tomorrow and senior ting yi said me to go their. I don't have courage to face senior ting hao.

Xiaoying : don't worry. He won't shout on you.

Then Chang an came near both of them.

Chang an : what are you both talking??

Xiaoying : nothing important coach.

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